you people are debating? :O
ok carry on.. wish u...
nice story..
so when you gonna shave ur head MBK...
May Allah help you.. thats all what i can say
lots of love?
is this what lol stands for?...
why u both just don't get a life??
what eva guys.. still we can use it for them :)
lol, i wish u were :p
shakl e dawwar fe sim sim daira :)
so u are not missing something... lol well thats...
you people are debating? :O
ok carry on.. wish u...
nice story..
so when you gonna shave ur head MBK...
May Allah help you.. thats all what i can say
...lots of love?
is this what lol stands for?...
why u both just don't get a life??
what eva guys.. still we can use it for them :)
lol, i wish u were :p
shakl e dawwar fe sim sim daira :)
so u are not missing something... lol
well thats...