Message from the QL Animal Section Editor:
the perfume thread:-)... I resurrected the old one, so...
h*ll will break loose again....
Message from...
I wish you and the new Mrs Kat all the love, laughter...
let me know which you are interested in:-)
such a fun evening:-)
Livinginqatar, what do...
when you have the passion for something, as I do for...
Lovely inspiration.... you are a saint:-)
of a post dated cheque is... if not to give the person...
*now were did I put that whip?*..... here kitty kitty:-...
Message from the QL Animal Section Editor:
the perfume thread:-)... I resurrected the old one, so...
h*ll will break loose again....
Message from...
I wish you and the new Mrs Kat all the love, laughter...
let me know which you are interested in:-)
such a fun evening:-)
Livinginqatar, what do...
when you have the passion for something, as I do for...
Lovely inspiration.... you are a saint:-)
of a post dated cheque is... if not to give the person...
*now were did I put that whip?*..... here kitty kitty:-...