Then great.
Depends what the laws are.
1. according to you what are the signs that tells you...
If she feels she's done the right thing, than she's...
There's no such thing as good or bad thinking, there's...
Who cares?
I'm so sorry to hear about your sister Khadija. I...
HAHAHA! Me a Tiger Mom? Never!
You can't push your kids to do something they don't...
What could possibly justify him taking a cricket bat...
Then great.
Depends what the laws are.
1. according to you what are the signs that tells you...
If she feels she's done the right thing, than she's...
There's no such thing as good or bad thinking, there's...
Who cares?
I'm so sorry to hear about your sister Khadija. I...
HAHAHA! Me a Tiger Mom? Never!
You can't push your kids to do something they don't...
What could possibly justify him taking a cricket bat...