Parents and career...............?

This is always a difficult situation. Parents are just afraid their son or daughter will make a mistake, so they tend to layout what they feel is the appropriate path for their child. However, this is not always in agreement with the student. The ideal situation is one where the parents and student work as a team, with mutual respect for each others opinions. Still, this is rarely the case. OK, if the parents have expertise within this area, the student should respect the opinions of the parents. However, if the student is not happy or in agreement, and forced to accept the plans of the parents, the student will not perform as well in their studies. I believe the first thing both sides should agree on, is the overall career goal and object of the student. The student must acquire a vision, a clearly articulated picture of the future the student intends to create for his/herself. The vision should be very specific and based on a passion for what that student would like to do. Once the vision has been realized, the path or appropriate approach will become clear. Still, the vision and passion should belong to the student, and not the parents. From this each side can develop a plan with short-term goals and objectives (using a team approach), that will lead to the overall career goal.
You are in a bad spot as a stepmom. Not fair to you at all. If you were the mother, you could grab the phone/computer out of his hand and take it away (I've done this many times) but you can't, as you are the stepmom. Your husband needs to man up and do the hard parenting.
A person can only do so much, the rest is up to them to choose and maybe it will be beneficial for them or maybe they might learn something and not do it again.
HAHAHA! Me a Tiger Mom? Never!
And I thought your conversion to a Tiger Mom was so nearly complete :O(
You can't push your kids to do something they don't want to do, all you can do is help them to succeed in their studies and personal lives so when the time comes that they decide what they want to do, they have the grades and abilities to do it.
Parents have the rights and responsibilty to advise and take care of there kids until they are grown up strong enough to look after themself by earning his own salary but before that when they are living in parents salary then they can question them if they do anything wrong
Then ask your husband to deal with it..
We often forget that in this world we came alone & NO ONE will ever be ready to accompany us on our last journey..
So who is parting his / her ways too early .. let them do so .. for how long can we cling to others ..
But it is a going to be a precious sacrifice not every parent can afford .. I am so sure ..
If I try to say something he gets annoyed..if I say something to hubby he is AHA U R TYPICAL STEPMOM... so I m just watching a drama going on... :(
Last one month my elder son is chatting to somebody whole night...even after repeated reminders it is not stopping..what should I do... ?
We parents can aspire and want what we assume to be the best for our children, but ultimately they will make their own choices. Best then to invest our time, money and efforts in creating the best possible foundation of learning for our kids, so that any future decisions they make will be based on honorable and insightful intentions.
You said it yourself. "Why WE have dream for them". Our dreams may not always be what they want.
At the end of the day, the choice is theirs.Then why we have dream for them....?
Children need to be nurtured and guided. However, at the end of the day, the choice is theirs.
With all due respect, not many youngsters are capable of "acquiring a vision". I know I wasn't - in my teens.
Since the past decade parents are loosing their right to save the 18+ category from their new found 'lovers' .. Youth / students have become short sighted .. they will suffer themselves and are a sole cause for the heart burn of their parents ..
what do you think that it can be how it should be by parents or by kids and if it is by kids then how......?