soniya. i am doing bhangra, the rest can do gidda +...
beautynbrain. you have 58 points in 4days which is not...
lol smoke.. i was just kidding and you really started...
soniya as soon you recover, then bhangras all over Ql...
beautynbrain is the newest member of QL.....
bestman.. come on everyone remember Allah every time...
smoke just right lol on every thread and see how your...
congrats.... you are now our seniors.. so where are you...
Medical has to be done before family visit visa can be...
I Think you should check your foreign office. They...
soniya. i am doing bhangra, the rest can do gidda +...
beautynbrain. you have 58 points in 4days which is not...
lol smoke.. i was just kidding and you really started...
soniya as soon you recover, then bhangras all over Ql...
beautynbrain is the newest member of QL.....
...bestman.. come on everyone remember Allah every time...
smoke just right lol on every thread and see how your...
congrats.... you are now our seniors.. so where are you...
Medical has to be done before family visit visa can be...
I Think you should check your foreign office. They...