Shut up and go eat your dates!! :-P
I didn't know we had buildings behind Al-Ahli club! :-P...
This notion of being family when I've never even met...
I live in hilal too :-D
I can be an idiot too sometimes.....shocking I know...
Thx for making me laught too but you're still an idiot...
Who ISN'T depressed in Qatar? turn those words in2 action ;-)
5ara fee wayhek bbk....fashalt nafsik yal3'abee!!...
If we had double deckered double articulated buses this...
Shut up and go eat your dates!! :-P
I didn't know we had buildings behind Al-Ahli club! :-P...
This notion of being family when I've never even met...
I live in hilal too :-D
I can be an idiot too sometimes.....shocking I know...
Thx for making me laught too but you're still an idiot...
Who ISN'T depressed in Qatar? turn those words in2 action ;-)
5ara fee wayhek bbk....fashalt nafsik yal3'abee!!...
If we had double deckered double articulated buses this...