Hi there! Did I miss something here? You are on...
Am off to the shops. Have fun all! ;o)
I take it that Dixie is a euphemism for Dick(sy). My...
glad you like it - it sort of became my 'theme' tune...
I worry about you
it sometimes happens to me on YouTube also, you just...
Where I live in England has a very large Muslim...
Did you play the Little Town Flirt song I posted here...
I hope that doesn't need/show my log in and password!...
I don't use Skype, but the other day (31 July) I got an...
Hi there! Did I miss something here? You are on...
Am off to the shops. Have fun all! ;o)
I take it that Dixie is a euphemism for Dick(sy). My...
glad you like it - it sort of became my 'theme' tune...
I worry about you
it sometimes happens to me on YouTube also, you just...
Where I live in England has a very large Muslim...
Did you play the Little Town Flirt song I posted here...
I hope that doesn't need/show my log in and password!...
I don't use Skype, but the other day (31 July) I got an...