Where I live in England has a very large Muslim community we all rub along very well (thank you very much) and where I worked locally (on a very busy reception desk) I had the opportunity to chat and meet with lots of not only Muslims, but Sikhs and Hindu and Italians!!! hee hee (I worked for Italians). But you know what I mean - a mixture came through my reception area daily.

Now, what I DIDN'T come across was the type of 'rant' that I see on this forum, so I've not been exposed to it so directly before. Of course, if I wasn't living in the ME right now then I wouldn't be on this forum anyway.

The point I'm trying to make is that I agree with your last post and in particular "the most ineffective way to practice dawah (call others to Islam) is by example and not criticizing or putting down others for their choices".

I pick this out specifically because I have found myself becoming increasingly drawn (pushed) back to my Catholic roots in a way which I can only describe as a sort of defense mechanism!! Now it has been many years before I gave my Christianity much thought, so this feeling is rather weird! but will probably go dormant again soon. :D

So, like my Aesop's Fable about the wind and the sun, I am being pushed AWAY from Islam, rather than drawn. Repulsed, in actual fact.

I find that really sad, because Muslims like yourself (and Aisha and loads of others here and in UK who I know) make me feel very comfortable with Islam working alongside other religions towards a better life both here and hereafter for us all.