Excellent! Even cured me of my bad temper caused by...
This is between me and poopy pantaloons (after I've...
ich mich gehen to the shops. allis klar? lol
SchizerKopf ??????
grrrrrrrr Sie gemeine Frau...
dummkopf ! :P :P
I join you in wishing all our Muslim friends a Holy and...
I really am NOW going to the shop!!!!
go on yer nerd - make mincemeat of me, you tart!...
hi biatch! go on ... bash me up! You know you want...
Excellent! Even cured me of my bad temper caused by...
This is between me and poopy pantaloons (after I've...
ich mich gehen to the shops. allis klar? lol
SchizerKopf ??????
grrrrrrrr Sie gemeine Frau...
dummkopf ! :P :P
I join you in wishing all our Muslim friends a Holy and...
I really am NOW going to the shop!!!!
go on yer nerd - make mincemeat of me, you tart!...
hi biatch! go on ... bash me up! You know you want...