"Ms Mills said that livestock created far more carbon...
I'm becoming incoherent, best that no-one starts an...
to find a pair of coat hangers in our luggage when we...
I felt like a quiet night in, writing my letter to...
shouldn't you be in flight by now?
and as for...
does that count?
I've been hunting for a new...
And here was I thinking you meant the Centre for...
That's put me off water coolers in public place for...
the 7th and 8th numbers are 00
"Ms Mills said that livestock created far more carbon...
I'm becoming incoherent, best that no-one starts an...
to find a pair of coat hangers in our luggage when we...
I felt like a quiet night in, writing my letter to...
shouldn't you be in flight by now?
and as for...
does that count?
I've been hunting for a new...
And here was I thinking you meant the Centre for...
That's put me off water coolers in public place for...
the 7th and 8th numbers are 00