I really don't know Ahmad, my villa was furnished, I...
Your salary is fine, you should be able to find a nice...
Cars here are cheap, apartments aren't, especially...
Then your wife is s*it out of luck Tendai, no wine bars...
I don't know, whatever you want. I'm driving a small...
It's illegal to bring sex toys into Qatar? Well in...
I own a Hyundai Tuscon and I pay 1600QR a month on it....
Yes but 6000QR would still be out of his price range....
If I opened my own bar it would be hockey all the time...
How has doing it with vegetables ever been family...
I really don't know Ahmad, my villa was furnished, I...
Your salary is fine, you should be able to find a nice...
Cars here are cheap, apartments aren't, especially...
Then your wife is s*it out of luck Tendai, no wine bars...
I don't know, whatever you want. I'm driving a small...
It's illegal to bring sex toys into Qatar? Well in...
I own a Hyundai Tuscon and I pay 1600QR a month on it....
Yes but 6000QR would still be out of his price range....
If I opened my own bar it would be hockey all the time...
How has doing it with vegetables ever been family...