baedaebok: the actual marriage ceremony where they...
Also look at other oil&gas companies, Chevron,...
Dubai does not seem to have much offshore oil, look in...
The Arabic wording "Reaches 18 years" means he could...
German, MagicDragon: Ich spreche kein Deutsch, aber du...
every character (letter) you send or receive is a byte...
if you have GPS they're at : N 25° 10.789'...
Qatar International Safety Center, people come from all...
You will pay QR 1/MB (QR 1000 for every exta GB!!!!!)...
thanks, baldrick2dogs....
Now I don't see...
baedaebok: the actual marriage ceremony where they...
Also look at other oil&gas companies, Chevron,...
Dubai does not seem to have much offshore oil, look in...
The Arabic wording "Reaches 18 years" means he could...
German, MagicDragon: Ich spreche kein Deutsch, aber du...
every character (letter) you send or receive is a byte...
if you have GPS they're at :
N 25° 10.789'
Qatar International Safety Center, people come from all...
You will pay QR 1/MB (QR 1000 for every exta GB!!!!!)...
thanks, baldrick2dogs....
Now I don't see...