Don't pay at the machines...
"You have been terminated because it is not economical...
When many people hear something like "her sister...
No trouble for the 2-year contract, you can fire her...
pennypitstop, what double standard? The people who...
tallg, many businesses I know use VOIP, some have been...
It's not a QL issue, this "Jeanette Chant" is probably...
This is crazy... I typed a fake name and nationality...
Yes, you can redeem the QL points in any supermarket....
Don't pay at the machines...
"You have been terminated because it is not economical...
When many people hear something like "her sister...
No trouble for the 2-year contract, you can fire her...
pennypitstop, what double standard? The people who...
tallg, many businesses I know use VOIP, some have been...
It's not a QL issue, this "Jeanette Chant" is probably...
This is crazy... I typed a fake name and nationality...
Yes, you can redeem the QL points in any supermarket....