ohhh GOD....Plz help dis poor guy HEEROOO.....
U knw better...
u r late but its fine u can get n touch wd doz agencies...
A good way of savin urself...dis is da way i speak....n...
not again....GOSHH
its bout heero's LOLLYPOPPPY
ya kinda...lolx
lolx...n y z dat so???
heya haunted....
Was up??
lolz...not again....frst lolly pop n now food........
ohhh GOD....Plz help dis poor guy HEEROOO.....
U knw better...
u r late but its fine u can get n touch wd doz agencies...
A good way of savin urself...dis is da way i speak....n...
not again....GOSHH
its bout heero's LOLLYPOPPPY
ya kinda...lolx
lolx...n y z dat so???
heya haunted....
Was up??
lolz...not again....frst lolly pop n now food........