So, do guys accually know when is the acual hand over...
Contractors are mulling legal action against district...
Hey guys, i have an appartment with FQ too. call me for...
"who and how will pay for the artificial world we're...
Thank you for sharing with details. Could you please...
Hey Camelme and MSJ. We are with the same developer....
With which developer are you? i have an apartment with...
Would appreciate your info.
So, do guys accually know when is the acual hand over...
Contractors are mulling legal action against district...
Hey guys, i have an appartment with FQ too. call me for...
"who and how will pay for the artificial world we're...
Thank you for sharing with details. Could you please...
Hey Camelme and MSJ. We are with the same developer....
With which developer are you? i have an apartment with...
Would appreciate your info.