they cant,some one looses out, usually the kids, dont...
u sound as mad as me, wghat an idiot, thinking with his...
u sound as though u going to do it any way.why ask, you...
if u talk to ur wife and she agrees then no problem...
i think u men use being a muslim to do what u like,like...
this causes big problems,be a man tell her,look after...
one repeted 4 times
in carefore there is dvd called WALK AWAY THE POUNDS,...
i am from uk.lived here 3 years,yes there are things u...
dont smoke, bad for you,its a great life in doha,just...
they cant,some one looses out, usually the kids, dont...
u sound as mad as me, wghat an idiot, thinking with his...
u sound as though u going to do it any way.why ask, you...
if u talk to ur wife and she agrees then no problem...
i think u men use being a muslim to do what u like,like...
this causes big problems,be a man tell her,look after...
one repeted 4 times
in carefore there is dvd called WALK AWAY THE POUNDS,...
i am from uk.lived here 3 years,yes there are things u...
dont smoke, bad for you,its a great life in doha,just...