Between fantasy and reality

So lately I’m hearing people talk about the 27th night of Ramadan being the night of Decree and I just want to say that No one actually knows when the night of Qadir will take place and actually there is great difference of opinion about this amongst the scholars, because it is of the matters of Elim-Al-Geib (knowledge of the unseen) by God alone.
However, and by tradition, it’s unanimously agreed that it is most likely to fall in the last ten nights of Ramadan, with the odd nights being more likely.
Now of the odd nights, the night of the 27th is the most likely night, However, it could also be the 21st, then the 23rd, then the 27 or outside the last ten nights within Ramadan.
However, the most bizarre of scholarly opinions that I came across researching on this subject was the one by Sayyidi Muhyi al-Din Ibn Arabi , he said:
(‘People differed about Laylat al-Qadr. Some said it moves around the entire year. This is my position, for I have seen it in the month of Sha`ban, and in Rabi`)
I didn't know this before.
MN,, Agree with you bro
I think it is one of the last 10 nights, casue some time they don't see the moon So it might shift a day :)
BTW, I don't know why bald men fighting for a Comb
What's the point :)
: Very informative accounts, thanks for sharing
6. It is wholly a blessed night, in view of its countless merits and advantages.
7. Whoever stands to offer supererogatory prayers then, believing in it and in the good promised by Allaah The Almighty on it, and hoping for reward from Him, all his previous sins will be forgiven.
8. All matters decreed for the years to come are written on it.
1. This eve has a great rank in the Sight of Allaah The Almighty.
2. It is better than one thousand ordinary months that do not include the Night of Al-Qadr; and that would equal [it being more superior to] eighty-three years and four months.
3. On it, angels descend in great multitudes, such that they number much more than the pebbles on earth.
4. The Quran was first revealed on this night.
5. Also, in it, there is much safety from punishment due to the righteous deeds of the slaves of Allaah The Almighty on one hand, and the [opportunity of attaining] mercy, forgiveness and emancipation from fire, which is conferred by Allaah The Almighty upon them, on the other.
Thelonius: whatever makes you happy, cheers!
Rip Cord : 1- example: well that’s racism, and it has nothing to do with this post
Second example: that’s politics and it has nothing to do with this post, again.
RIP: Adolf Hitler's opinions were racists and cost thousands of lives.
The Israelis ideology is one based on injustice and illegal settlement on Palestinian lands.
Both examples you cited have nothing to do with this post.
(: stay blessed.
Thelonius : (Let them 'search for this night', RC. They have nothing better to do)
that ‘s more than just an opinion (:
But hitlers opinion was the Jews were inferior, the Israelis opinion is the Arabs stole their land so it is right they take it back.
my opinion is this is nonsense, so please respect my opinion.
MN so by your logic you respect the opinions of adolf hitler towards the Jews? Or the Israeli opinion that the Palestinians have no right to the land they live in? I'm sorry your statement is nonsense.
UkEngQatar (: thanks for commenting
Very well said, over all very informative post. Thx again!
Folks respect other people's opinions (: Just because one doesn’t believe in it, doesn't mean that one has the right to look down their nose at it.
I had to look this up. The different sects of Islam interpret this differently and go for different nights. Seeing as we know so little about Mohamed it is impossible for any scholar to give a definite answer on the exact date. As usual just man made stuff.
Also known as the the Night of Power, Night of Value, the Night of Decree Night of measure..
It is the anniversary of a very important date in Islam that occurred in the month of Ramadan. It is the anniversary of the night Muslims believe the first verses of the Quran were revealed to the Islamic prophet Muhammad.
We have indeed revealed this (Message) in the Night of Power: And what will explain to thee what the night of power is? The Night of Power is better than a thousand months.
Therein come down the angels and the Spirit by Allah's permission, on every errand:
Peace!...This until the rise of dawn!
Sura 97 Al Qadr
Thnks for sharing MN it is better to search last 10 nights for lailatul qadr and may Allah Subhanavatalah make all muslimeen easy to find this night