Rate Resale Value by Brand for Mazda CX-5 / Mitsubishi Pajero / Renault Duster / Honda Civic
How would you rate following based on their resale value by brand.
5 Being high rating and 1 being lowest
Mazda CX5
Mitsubishi Pajero
Renault Duster 4WD
Honda Civic.
Example I rate as follows
Mazda CX5 = 5
Mitsubishi Pajero = 4
Renault Duster 4WD = 2
Honda Civic. = 3
Provided all have done decent kilometers and accident free
Go for Reno ..................
Mazda CX5 = 3
Mitsubishi Pajero = 4
Renault Duster 4WD = 2
Honda Civic. = 4