You know u're a QL'er when.......

You know u're a QL'er when
- You Hijack each and every thread, irrespective of how irrelevant it is
- You make irritating posts like these
- You have at least called one person who has advertised at least something in the 'Classifieds'
- At some point, you have screamed at the Mods; called them an 'Uncle'
- Majority of your posts are in 'Funnies' rather than 'QL Lounge'
- The Funnies automatically turn into a war zone
- You call the other person by their QLname when you meet them in person
- You access QL during office and non office hours (read:ADDICTED!)
- You answer/ post just because you dream of being a QL Mod one day!
Bajju, coz its the fact, isn't it?
I hereby certify that the above statements are valid OMG very, hyper mega true.. :D
Finally an entirely original "you know you are..." list
speedysid, i can announce from the top of a roof that YES I AM A QL ADDICTED person..he heheee...LONG LIVE QL...
ok now ths post is a real funda.. of Qlers.... I am a QLer
Herbert has got something by somebody.....??? can guess that somebody....???
wow sonaam where did u get this info?
sonaam babu, Swing and a miss :P
abe nepali babu sonam...were did u find his Janam kundLi from ? :)
wat ?
Herbie is Eco-Savvy ?
Peace Guyz, i really dont have anything against Herbie Uncle....dont know why his comments are always harsh ?
Anywayz Herbie Uncle, chill man...lets meet tonight for a thanda thanda cool cool Rootbeer BUT u gonna pay for my beer and dinner....:)
Herbert is actually very savvy with the eco and does not show any mercy on poor rizks.
- The Funnies automatically turn into a war zone - TRUE
thand rakho rizks bhai... koi nai... chalta hain.
ooohhh Herbie Uncle did i stepped ur nerve ? :)
U need to be in bed resting now, coz of the recent surgory u had for stones in ur bladder ....:)
HERBERT DSILVA ????????????? what happned to you?
herbert y do u always target Poor Rizks???????
gtim said uncle was nice :D
herbert what happen to u?
Herbie u forgot to number urself no. "4"? :(
Cant you go to Najma choor bazaar and get a Life ?
Rizk drmana am not smart n genious ? :P
good :D
gtim wat nice ? :P
I didn't want the Mods to ban me...heheh :P
Thank you.. at least I was original :P lolz
and why this is posted in funnies ?
but this thread is quite new in the old..format......
nice one... :)
who ? Me ? :)
ok Next ?