Wife bites off husband's tongue
A Wisconsin woman was arrested after she allegedly bit half of her 79-year-old husband's tongue off during a kiss, according to reports.
The Sheboygan Press said the man telephoned police at about 11 p.m. Monday and struggled to tell them what had happened because of his condition.
The newspaper said an ambulance and police both went to the house in Sheboygan.
NBC affiliate WTMJ reported the man was to have surgery to re-attach his tongue at Froedtert Hospital in Wauwatosa.
Sheboygan Police told WTMJ that the couple had been singing Christmas carols Monday night and then decided to go to bed.
According to police, the man went to kiss his wife goodnight and then she bit his tongue.
When police and rescue crews arrived at the home on Sheboygan's northwest side, the woman tossed coffee at them, the Sheboygan Press said.
The paper said the man had not wanted his wife to be arrested, but police took her into custody.
Police were to ask that she should be charged with mayhem-domestic violence, the newspaper added.
hahahahaha about hachhhhak--- and thanks to god it is tongue only.But pity for the man..is he 79......? whether he tried to kiss his wife or mistakenly his dog.
Who got which cats tongue now?
hmmm, the cat got his tongue...
.....And the wife's dentures were removed at the hospital!
well, at least its just the tongue.... coould be worse...
LOL....dengerous move by husband ...:)-
cryspy...was it painful? ;)
was it delicious? :P
I think her hubby gir gir too much ..........so she just did this on purpose ;p;p;p
Man is 79 years old so the tongue is. Now there is nothing like a tongue stuff but just a chewing gum :)
lol@ khaaachhhhaaakkkkk
yup lahori...she must have forgotten to take off her teeth before sleeping and....khaaachhhhaaakkkkk :)
She was just trying the newly bought fake teeth and then ooppsss....
how old is the wife if the man is 79??..she still got pretty sharp teeth intact.
It's her loss in the long run :O)
Oh pennie dont reveal this otherwise all men will bite off their wives tongue :)
That's one way to shut a man up!!!
lol Good one ....
79 years...I am impressed...how old was she? She must be having denture...:-)
WoW britexpat, that's the spirit.
Real passionate partner
nice imaginations..
wild tooooo
She got a bit over amorous.. We men can do that to women ..