Unjustice Love

I visited some forums and it is quite interesting some are just NUTting and some are stimulating... I guess topic about love always gets attention it is CHEESY but nice to talk about sometimes...
Apparently we all need love and to be loved but ironically when we already have it we tend to neglect it...For example our parents they love us wholeheartedly and no one can question that yet still we tend to hurt their feelings... and sometimes we forget to say sorry... or we will apologize then we will do it again...
Generally speaking we tend to hurt people loving us and neglecting because we are sure that they will accept our apology... But constant hurt is not right.
We all seek for love and all of you must agree with this don't be hypocrite. ^_^ No matter what kind of love we have whether it parents, friends, boy friend & girl friend, wife or husband we must learn how to value and be cautious to their feelings. Don't be selfish and focus only to ourselves.
The most terrible thing that you can do is to hurt somebody who is sincerely loving you so learn how to value it.
The Most Exhausting Thing in Life is Being Insincere
hihow r yar i am fine with can u guide me communication for spoken english canu tellme ur idd pls
take careu
Miss Jen with my comments...and my laptop,,,lol
am at city center so will eat ssumthing frm food court here only..how r ur days off going..
" Dont take life too seriously, you will never get out alive!!!"
for her liking.she prefers the whole hide of a buffalo.....lol
guys whats for lunch???????????
Dont forget the leather straps Miss Jenn
" Dont take life too seriously, you will never get out alive!!!"
hahahha.... ok ill call 108 to get the hotline nos. of barbed wire... have fun!
The Most Exhausting Thing in Life is Being Insincere
you see from what you posted i am working on interpreting it as a theme.
soooo,,,,,have you bought the barbed wire???lol(NEED A BARBED WIRE FENCE)more like it...
lol... hahaha
He is shoe so he needs to be bond... interpret it whatever you want... get silly as you can get...
The Most Exhausting Thing in Life is Being Insincere
awwwssss chini...shweeeet!!!!
unjustice love....hmmmm i shall theme my 2009 abaya collection that.i shall make designs of bleeding hearts wrapped in barbed wires...
no comment...
probably buying some barbed wires..
" Dont take life too seriously, you will never get out alive!!!"
when it comes to barbed wires im your man!!!!
Miss Jen?Miss Jeeeennnnnnn?yoo-hoooooooooo?where did she go?????????
Wow shoe intersting!!!! i guess u just gave bonding a whole new meaning urself.
" Dont take life too seriously, you will never get out alive!!!"
Barbed wire shoe-addict....
But, that goes a bit far.... even for me :-P
rubber,leather,,,barbed wire perhaps????
you give "bonding"new meaning....
Miss Jen,
Before I make assumptions, what is the definition of 'bonding'?
ok let's bond together this night...
all overacting now.... right? be real!
The Most Exhausting Thing in Life is Being Insincere
yayyyyyy!!!!!bonding time!!!!
wats up?well i wouldnt call love cheesy...
maybe TAINTED-TAINTED with hate...lol
whats the point of loving?Miss Jen answer please?
Miss Jen? Miss Jeeeeeeennnnnnn???????????
next time????????
Copyright: "Dracula"/QL
I certainly hope so Lana,
After my holiday though, I almost finished my rebound year.
Drac said:
next time????????
Copyright: "Arecel"/QL
should I say: better luck next time? ;-P
Well Azilana, it was actually fairly random.... :-)
And mark the word HAD. Have had and have lost :-(
Drama comes once in a month? Must be that certain one week every month wherein everything seemed to be wrong...hehehehe
I think my BF was already accustomed to my 2-3 days (in a month) "grouchiness"....lol
Well Lana,
I had a 4 1/2 years test-run. I must say, in the end I was actually able to deal with it.
Lesson 1 loving a Filipina:
1) Drama comes with the package
Allow drama to happen once or twice in a month, even if it is about nothing. This is called venting. If you react negatively to drama she will bottle up her true feelings which will accumulate and burst out within 4 months, and the shitstorm will be 5 x worse than all monthly little drama's combined.
As a male, good luck remembering what you have said or done 4 months ago. She REMEMBERS.
Hence, let it be.... it is like peeing and pooping, sooner or later it HAS to come out.
Drac said:
I swear!
But I do agree :-P
But you haven't answered my question yet:
what's your direct/exact definition/translation of UNJUSTICE/INJUSTICE LOVE in Filipino/Tagalog word/s?
Though I have a gist of what you are implying in your topic, one must be sure before citing opinions/views regarding certain topics.
We don't wanna be called/labeled a "know-it-all" character, don't we?
such topics.........
i stand corrected. ok azi. let me know the piece of you... comment on the topic.
The Most Exhausting Thing in Life is Being Insincere
More like "ünrequited love" to me...
hey lei i m alrite.. Still stuck at work.. how r you..
" Dont take life too seriously, you will never get out alive!!!"
hey sandeep what`s up with u?u made me laugh with ur new thread huh...lolz..no worries sandeep,maybe later if im ready enough to tell to Miss Jen about my views of this injustice love(sigh);)
Sorry guys! INJUSTICE! Hehehe i made the topic first before putting subject and it was an abrupt post... Why you just focus on the content... ^_^
The Most Exhausting Thing in Life is Being Insincere
Now lei dont hijack this topic.. no pvt conversation here.. Tell ur views 2 miss j about cheesy and unjustice love only here..
" Dont take life too seriously, you will never get out alive!!!"
Miss Jennnnnnnn....lolz...hmm a new thread..i like this topic...hey sandeep and shoe,what`s up with u guys? ;)
she does not speak filipino..hehehe
of UNJUSTICE LOVE in Filipino/Tagalog word/s? Maybe we could help you choose a better word for it.
I hope you don't mind.
well said azi, i myself pick up new words every once in a while in this big melting pot that is QL ;)
I do suggest to the OP to choose the words wisely when making a point or two here in the main forum. As everyone knows, QL is a sort of melting pot of nationalities, cultures and customs...
and though LOVE is a universal language, people may still perceive otherwise...
i was hurt and still hurtin cuz JIMLOVE just disappear like that...m his no.4 fan in his LOVEFANCLUB :(
nice Ms. Jen.... just talk about LOVE and m sure evryone will love you back lool....
Laugh about love!!! u crazy?? If i make fun of my relationship with my gf, she will kill me straight out so I m very serious about my love.. Its literally a matter of life and death for me.. I m not surprised by anything u do Miss J.. carry on..
" Dont take life too seriously, you will never get out alive!!!"
or azi, it may also mean cheap (slang).. ;)
Coz if you say, love topics are cheesy...it's kind of icky, kinky kind of feeling that would be embarrassing to be talk about. Like wearing your heart on your sleeves.
When you say mushy...it's kind of sweet, soft, gentle with shy moments kind of feeling.
See the difference?
Cheesy... cos when love is topic we tend to laugh about it but the mere truth is we understand but we don't want to dwell on it deeply... So, you guys surprised that Miss Jen will come out with the topic like this... hahahah nothing! NUTTING! ^_^
The Most Exhausting Thing in Life is Being Insincere
Miss Jen so now u have started giving love advice.. Was wondering why my helpline number isn't buzzing these days.. Competition eh.. But whats tht bit about love being cheesy???? wats tht all about.. wanna hear how love can be termed cheesy...
" Dont take life too seriously, you will never get out alive!!!"
They are just like that... hahaha. Coz we dont want to have rain of EMO here. lolz Lei, where are you? we have new friends here...???
The Most Exhausting Thing in Life is Being Insincere
How nice of you Miss Jen to post such nice thoughts...
I am sincerely loving every girl here but nobody show any value for that sincere love ...sob sob...lol
The secret of charm is bullshit.
lol azi, i'll let u know when and "if" i find it ;)
I'm trying to find it's equivalent meaning in TAGALOG...maybe you could find the word for me? ;-P
azi, it could be unjustified or unjust.. one thing is for sure, there's no such term as unjustice.... or was i wrong.. :P
Jimi was here with a new ID ?
Now tats really UNJUST LOVE.....lol
Jimi shows so much of love towards QL and the MODS show more love by deleting him....:(
lol Rizks, change that to UNJUST love
but kinda a torture more : )
but he has got many fans .
he just don't get it eh... :P
Luv_admirer but Mods deleted our luv guru again
lol nite_rider, i just knew somebody would say that soon.. :P
we have Mrs Jimmi here :) ..
Jimimadi !!
The most terrible thing He has done is - he hurted his FANS who are sincerely loving HIM and missin him.
He should learn how to value US...:(
what sandeep and lei05 gotta say...
oh,,,there you are???sandeep and i missed your presence last night...
maybe even lei05...
why dont we ask them to comment on your post?