Solution For Men Going Bar w/o GF Knowing

By strawberry_shisha •
Thursday is here again..for some it's bar (hopping) and clubbing for the male qlers..this funny vid is heartily dedicated for you guys..and for our lovely female qlers..don't believe (easily) when you're bf/ hubby tells you that they're in hospital/ office/ gym, etc..enjoy guys and happy weekend..
NOTE: i never say i tolerate this kind of man's behavior.. ;o)
cheers for the weekend ahead..
Doha needs it as too many here are cheating,,,lol :)
am out for strolling...yipeee!!!
see u on sat. s_s :)
peter, so this booth is true?thought it's just an
They had this in the UK some years back - it was a telephone booth in a bar known as 'excuse booth' - tried it once. They had one sound track called 'urban insurrection' - worked really well!
It will be a success... I guess it would revolutionize our current technology much better than smart phones & tablets combined... Very creative advertisement... Haha
lo..happy weekend guys......cheerssss!!!!
Exactly iRuby
LOL... Superb Video... thanks alooot for sharing De Shisha :)
ruby, hope they will make a female version of happy weekend sis..
is there a version for ladies ... lol :)