men always have better friends

Men always have better friends....
They will stand by you, no matter what....!!!
Here's an example:-
Friends of Women:
A wife was not at home for a whole night.
So she tells her husband the very next morning,
that she stayed at her (girl) friend's apartment overnight.
So the husband calls 10 of her best (girl) friends and
none of them confirmed that she was with them.
Friends of Men:
A husband was not at home for a whole night.
So he tells his wife the very next morning,
that he stayed at his friend's apartment over night.
So the wife calls 10 of his best friends and 5 of them confirmed that
he stayed at their apartments that night and
another 5 claimed that he is still with them!!
thanks Nadt. Finger cross ... x
Inshallah one day...Im sure youll love it..
Nice ... i been to Jordan but not Lebanon. One day !!! Hopefully ...
Lebanon and Jordan...nice and sunny with no ill get to catch up with my folks there..
where you going end of June then Nadt ? Lebanon ?
yeah i can imagine, i thought about going to Aus for my holidays too but being winter , cold rain and wind, that wouldve annoyed me too..
yeah its annoying....poor Alexa..with her allergies, the dust must be so bad for her..
yeah ... freezing and wet ... lol
i bet you can't ... alexa told me been sandy and dusty till now ...
Why sort of? Too much rain?
we are great thanks, we are heading off soon too end of June...cant wait...too dusty here at the moment..
hiya Novi..enjoying your holiday?
p.s if my hubby calls, im with you ok? wink wink...
yup ... sort off ... Lol. How are you and the boys Nadt ?
lol Nadt ...
Not true..women usually organise their alibies..its called planning...
men dont have better friends, they have stupid friends for 5 claiming they were with him and 5 claiming that they are still with them...
he is still with us!
If you see evil in others, it is actually the reflection of your own evil feelings
lol.. yeah.. so true..
kinda cute, but thats true!