I really find this funny

Straight Arrow
By Straight Arrow

In china there are temples where people obey and worship snakes, ok to this point it is not very funny.
But when these people start eating the snakes this becomes very funny.
Today many buddhisim in Nepal and other countries consider Bohda as their God, ok it is their belief, my question is how can they manufacture and fabricate their God? And they make different sizes, personally I think when they do this, then they are playing with the minds of the people.
Before in Europe there were checks to go heaven and people were buying these checks, so one Jews guy went and bought all the checks which will take people to hell and then he said listen no one will go to hell because I bough all the checks, after that the churches and priests started losing money and then the priests went to this Jews guy and bought the checks of hell for ten times the original price.

By anonymous• 11 Jun 2009 00:41

I've had a lot of given to me over the years -- really insulting pamphlets (published by Darussallam Publishers in Saudi) putting down Christianity as a way of elevating Islam and presumably drawing the potential convert away from their "wrong religion" to the "right" one.

Thank God things are changing in terms of education for this generation. I wonder if it will ever reach the point that religion won't be taught in the public schools, but will be an elective subject in high schools, colleges and universities. That would happen, of course, only if the so-called religious leaders felt the parents could be trusted to teach their children appropriately at home and in the masjid.




I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM

By genesis• 11 Jun 2009 00:33
Rating: 2/5

this is just a small fraction of what we was taught (or actually, not taught). Government school Islamic studies was comprised of Quran tafsir & hadith (commented according to the Wahhabi sect). Most of the commentaries were more or less offensive. In most cases it compares with similar teaching in the Torah or the bible , then criticizes both Christianity & Judaism for been distorted of the right path.

By Dracula• 11 Jun 2009 00:32



The Mod should delete this thread!



By honeybunch• 11 Jun 2009 00:28

its like you have promised your self to post topics either to get attention from everyone or try people getting into the business of discussing religion..............kindly stop posting things related to religion......no one likes any religion being insulted ...me being a muslim or any body being anything..........

By shoeaddict• 11 Jun 2009 00:08

religions funny?less funny?intriguing?

i do not put my 2 cents nor pass judgement on other peoples religion.

neither should you...

learn to make peace with it and let it go.

By anonymous• 10 Jun 2009 23:52

This version of Islam that was propagated through the schools here has some serious issues. As I stated above I am sure they were referencing the sale of Papal Indulgences but grossly distorting it and outright lying in order to present Christianity in a negative light as part of the whole "MY religion is better than YOUR religion" paradigm.




I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM

By anonymous• 10 Jun 2009 23:44

Don't be upset when someone comes along and makes fun of your religion in a disrespectful manner.

Grow up -- and gain some common sense.




I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM

By anonymous• 10 Jun 2009 23:17


By storm• 10 Jun 2009 23:16

I agree with what you are saying, but anyway i believe in tolerance. But just see on what direction this threat is going. Anyway I wont say anything more, as tolerance makes me even more stronger. Good Night Everyone !!

By anonymous• 10 Jun 2009 23:13

well said delhi....

By ashwindoke• 10 Jun 2009 23:12

Delhi_B1 ??????????

Hungary ??? Don eat words pls... eat food...

Not as tasty as back in Delhi_6.. but it is better than those words you ate... and could understand a shait of wht you wrote....

Or you a troll ?????


Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol

By britexpat• 10 Jun 2009 22:12

Does this thread really warrant any responses ?

By fubar• 10 Jun 2009 21:52

Thanks Ash.

I derive much more satisfaction out of demonstrating someone's ignorance/stupidity/naiveté/intolerance/sexism/racism etc than 5 deep breaths will ever deliver.

But thanks for your concern.

By ashwindoke• 10 Jun 2009 21:50

Fubar - Close your eyes....

Take deep breath 5 times.... ssshmmmm....

And see... why do we read what we want to... so tht we get to write wht we want to...

Me included.....

If he intended to Offend.... Don get offended...

He cannot do this w/o your consent... Dont let him win my fren...

Keep lol..ing...


Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol

By fubar• 10 Jun 2009 21:40
Rating: 2/5

Jokes about religion on QL only ever end up as heated fights, and I don't see why the moderators allow them.

I just think it's in very poor taste to refer to a religion, and it's followers, as "funny".

And as for the nonsense about cheques, not only is it garbled and almost indecipherable, but for the most part it is historically untrue. It's just an opportunity to portray Christians and Jews respectively as being heretics and avaricious in a single paragraph.

If Khalid is the face of tolerant, peace-loving Islam, then it's easy to see why so many westerners absolutely abhor Islam. Thankfully most of us know that he doesn't speak for the majority of Muslims, who would find his rants just as offensive as everyone else.

By ashwindoke• 10 Jun 2009 21:25

Fubar - Now you offending me my fren...

where is Hinduism in your List.... ?????

lol Kiddin.... There is nothing wrong about Joking about religion... really....

Religion is not a serious business.... as today majority make it look like..

If religion is suppose to be major or only part of our life... and life is about being happy...

Means religion is suppose to be fun following... not rules imposed...

And ya.. back to jokes...

Joke about religion.. if you are intending it as a Joke.. and not insult...

One who can Joke and accept joke about his religion....

You ll see... when he makes fun of other religions... it wont sound offensive.....

Anything tht comes out of pure heart.. has to be pure...

For Example -

Non-Violence is a Negative word with negative image ans Aura along with it...

it is absence of Violence.... it is not PEACE.... :)

Say peace.... tht is pure...

Not.... BAD and NOT BAD..... it is GOOD and Maffi Good :)

And Indulgence it is...

No more Cheques Bouncing around... :)


Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol

By genesis• 10 Jun 2009 21:17

no, thanks god. All Islamic studies, History was carefully edited since the late 90's . Thanks to her Highness sheika Moza.

By sonaam• 10 Jun 2009 21:13

what kind of person you are.. some of your thread was explaining your religion always respect other religion and Equality.But now here you are insulting/ making fun of Other religion and belief ????????you have your religion and we have our's so live and let live or take BOBRON AND BEBSI AND MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS.

सोनम दि नेपाली बाबु

By fubar• 10 Jun 2009 21:09

Ash, people who make jokes about religion are already a lost cause.

Worse still are the ones who demand that no one joke about *their* religion, even if they think that joking about Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism etc is funny.

And can we stop talking about cheques - they are called INDULGENCES!!


By genesis• 10 Jun 2009 21:07

i can't blame Khalid really. this what we was taught in government schooling Islamic studies. As for the "heaven checks", that was repeatedly given & ridiculed. Remember, Wahhabism relies heavily in criticizing other religions & comparing them to paganism

By ashwindoke• 10 Jun 2009 21:04

Fubar - You are not helping the cause a micro bit...

You can never .. never think of making a person understand... by making humor out of things he really cherishes....

PM - Hmm.. Thanks for clarification... But I presumed it did... and was thinking wht can be the reason... and really liked the reason tht came to my mind.... :)

It would have been good... if the Priest were not corrupt... which is so so not possible now... :(

And ya it wont be a cheque... a permission letter.. makes sense.. but not cheque....


Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol

By fubar• 10 Jun 2009 20:58

Khalid a lot of people find Islam "funny", to use your word.

A lot of people find it "funny" that there is a religion that makes followers fly into the desert and walk in circles around a special rock and then throw pebbles at a concrete pole.

Some people find other people's religions "funny". We call them intolerant bigots.

Try finding a religion that is tolerant of other people's beliefs, instead of making jokes about things you don't understand.

It's really not cool.

By anonymous• 10 Jun 2009 20:55

It's sad how ignorant some people are; and sadder still when they are too ignorant to know they should keep their mouth shut so not everyone knows how ignorant they are. :-P




I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM

By ashwindoke• 10 Jun 2009 20:11

And jus to add on to your Knowledge about them..

The God is not BODHA.... Its Buddha..

An Enlighten Soul who started this religion of Strict Non-Violence and science of inner peace...

we pray so much for the outer world... ever tried reducing number of thoughts comin to your mind ???

The peace you feel ??? You feel connected to god..

And about Gods being worshiped in All shapes and Sizes.... :)

You can call it custom made Gods... lol ..

For specific purposes and as per creativity and imagination of the Devotee...

You don pray to the piece of Stone... You pray God through tht stone...

I know for most of us... even me.. God doesn have any shape or size..

But human brain needs a shape to pray..

We need something to look upto... to see God through it..

It can be a Idol... a Place/Pilgrimage.. a holy scripture.... Anything...

But we need something to relate with as God..

Only then Human brain accepts its existence ..

About praying Snakes and Eating them later.. ???

We all know all Animals are creation of God... we all are his Sons and daughters..

Even the non living items..

So ever tried being a Vegetarian for this reason


About the Cheques.... ??

No clue mate... out of my scope of Info..

but one thing for sure...

You have not got the essence of it....

Let a Christian explain it... and then I ll learn tht...

But till then....

Awesome TEch... The Priest decides... who is living as God has commanded to...

He examines... and everyone prepares for tht exam..

And tries his level best to pass...

Of course Priest wont give it to the wealthiest...

It would reduce the value of tht Cheque...

It ll be given to most Righteous woman and man....

A Man who Bought all the cheques to Hell...

What a noble man he is... sacrificed himself... technically he was mentally prepared to go to Hell n number of times to save his fellow beings from goin through it...

What a Divine soul...

That is exactly what Lord Jesus set a example to follow...

Thank you for sharin this Khalid...

It amused you.. It enriched me....


Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol

By tallg• 10 Jun 2009 20:05

storm - there's a difference between discussing/criticising a religion, and just outright mocking one. Granted, some discussions on Islam may take a turn for the worse, but people don't actual start whole threads mocking it in the same way this thread is doing.

By ashwindoke• 10 Jun 2009 20:01


First thing first..

Birdie - You know the answer.... pls don do this.. maffi good :(

Khalid - To an extend I ll agree with you when you find this funny -

Wanna know the science behind it.... ???

We are jus looking at the facts here.. not the essence and reason.. specially the emotional aspect... of this rituals....

SON now you know why people make fun when there is a topic of Moon been split in TWO and rejoined by a great spiritual leader...

Others see only facts..

Only a follower sees the purpose and reason and the truth (If I can use the word ) the essence the beauty behind it ...

And No Don worry... this act doesn make you a Bad Muslim.....

LIke other Muslim brothers and Sisters are saying it to you.. obviously a natural reaction...

They don like criticizing another religion...

And you are jus becoming a better person... If you take all this in a good spirit..

Or a lesson God had planned to teach you this way :) (many understand this way only.... what to do.. :) )


Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol

By storm• 10 Jun 2009 19:35

I normally make it a point to never ever write or say or express my feelings or view points on religious issues.

What has bothered me is, when any religious topic comes out in to a debate, mostly when someone is talking about Islam you guys make it point to blast Islam the best way you can and this forum can go pages to pages. Most of you criticize Islam like anything, now when someone spoke about another religion, I really admire the defense and the group effort to blast Islam as it was brought in picture by a few of you.

Anyway I personally believe Live & Let Live, I just hope the moderator of this site takes some serious steps to avoid any religion bashing being posted in the forums.

You follow your God & I follow mine.

Anyway no hard feelings anyone !!

By the-birdie• 10 Jun 2009 19:23

innocent quereis ......??


By pepitow• 10 Jun 2009 19:16

INside the best way"?


By ferari888• 10 Jun 2009 18:20

I have no clue what you just said. Buddha sculptures exists. What about that?

By mjamille28• 10 Jun 2009 17:54

"wants to reflects his country in the best way" lol... if this is how he reflects his country, he better not reveal his true identity or else, he will be hanged by his fellow countrymen for reflecting them in a poor way..

By anonymous• 10 Jun 2009 17:53

A long time ago one could purchase an "indulgence" from the Pope to forgive one's sins. That is not "check" to go to heaven.

Please don't write things you know nothing about. It makes you look stupid.




I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM

By the-birdie• 10 Jun 2009 17:46

when drinking occasional beer is "prohibited "


-- making bombs and killing others is ok

-- marrying multiple time is ok

By arecel• 10 Jun 2009 17:22

khaled, give them black cumin... or maybe you should take in some...

usapa na...

By sadaf19852• 10 Jun 2009 17:22

this is what mentioned in his profile "I am from Qatar and I would like to reflect my country in the best way"

By mjamille28• 10 Jun 2009 17:09
Rating: 2/5

in his other thread, he promotes his religion boasting about equality and everything, and then this one you make fun of some religious practice and then add insult to injury by posting in funnies section.. :/

By anonymous• 10 Jun 2009 17:07

Nothing is more relaxing than flying like an Eagle in Heaven !!


By genesis• 10 Jun 2009 17:01

all what you been taught over the years from conspiracy theories & Wahhabi intolerance, is not right. remember the Quran verse "لكم دينكم ولي دين"

Actually if you bothered to read about Buddhism, you'd find such a beauty in their ethics & meditation

By Che Guevara 1st• 10 Jun 2009 16:59
Che Guevara 1st

Hey Guys , all of you become releigous right now or what

Khalid Is saying his opinion and thats his right, he didn't hurt anyone, so you can say yours as well without hurts or every one of you become reliegous suddenly

All of us search for love, but some when find it, they wish they never had.

By mjamille28• 10 Jun 2009 16:47
Rating: 2/5

whatever they worship or whatever teachings they believe, leave them be, don't stick your nose into something that has nothing to do with you..

By marycatherine• 10 Jun 2009 16:45

Khalid would appear to be a troll

Signature line > "You can't fix stupid"

By Pajju• 10 Jun 2009 16:43

well khalid .. wat do u think urself? dunt care abt others .. am sure ur not a muslim ...

By diamond• 10 Jun 2009 16:38
Rating: 3/5

It is rude and inappropriate to make fun of other religions. You should know that. I'm sure you get upset when people make fun of Islam.


By tallg• 10 Jun 2009 16:35
Rating: 4/5

You have your religion, others have theirs. Live and let live. They keep out of your way, you keep out of theirs. At least they're not on QL cut'n'pasting religious teachings at every possible opportunity.

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