Hasty Generalization part two

Stop mocking... Neither one of us is entitled to critize anyone's heritage... I also pitty other foreigner here in Qatar that experiencing the awful and wretched treatment of illogical raises... When i came here in Qatar i promise myself that i will remain what i am in Philippines... Im talking about HASTY GENERALIZATION... Eventhough i have idea of what kind of mentality of the people living here i valiantly go here... i am what i am i know exactly whERE i stand... Can't blame Filipina detractors i am aware and im not blind of the shameless actions of some Filipinas here in Qatar... Yet, none of us has the right to judge...
I am proudly Filipina i came from the conservative culture emerge into modern,openminded & levelheaded society... We dont have to hide our skin to show that we are conservative, we can wear anything we want to wear, we can do anything we want to do as long as we are not violating anyone' right... Few doesnt represents all if that she did something sh*t so what...???? there must be a reason... Everyone has own opinion BUT remember everyone deserves respect even he/she is not living in his/her country...
try the recent post,,,youll see her post.lol
hi there shoeaddict and sandeep...finally u`re both here,well what`s the next thread for miss jen?lolz...
Miss Jen has a new thread...let us follow her there...duuuuhhhhhh.....
Miss Jen,
It sound like you have a major inferiority complex, I strongly suggest a psychologist.
And your dishonesty is not flattering either, so allow me to correct you:
modern, openminded, CORRUPT & levelheaded society
Much better!
oooppppppssss.. sorry did i missed something .....
They can relate because they know what im talking about... You know it is nice to know that you guys are not like them... as i said case to case basis... Luckily me and my colleague gaining respect yet still we are not nonchalant of what kind of perception they have to Filipina... Too many raises... Like perception to indian people... If u still don't have idea... good for u.
The Most Exhausting Thing in Life is Being Insincere
Miss J I've been 2 manila a couple of times and had no problems there.. Infact had loads of fun, good old college days they were.. Anyway its unfortunate that u still dont get it tht no one has tht general image of filipinas.. Even here on this thread we hav filipinas like Lei05 who obviuosly have no such problem as urs.. Anyway outta here, too much work.. will check ont he thread at night..
" Dont take life too seriously, you will never get out alive!!!"
I value everyone's opinion eventhough sometimes it's not obvious. But if you want to visit Philippines ok... Im sure you will like Filipino hospitality unlike here in Qatar full of egoistic people... Adorably how Filipino treats foreigners really good despite of the opposite treatments that you can get when you're in their country...
Well that is only one of the good traits of Filipino being hospitable... Main reason why foreigners decided to stay for good...
The Most Exhausting Thing in Life is Being Insincere
Morning man.. I pray to god its not what she meant...
" Dont take life too seriously, you will never get out alive!!!"
nyahahahhahah....maybe she wants you to be beside her!!!!
Sorry guys but at work.. Will b tied up all day i guess.. Will keep on popping in frm time 2 time though..
Miss Jen why am i here????? shud I b sumplace else hmmm like mayb philipines????
" Dont take life too seriously, you will never get out alive!!!"
It's ok shoe... Welcome vegas! Nice one John!
The Most Exhausting Thing in Life is Being Insincere
good morning to all!!!!
how are you Miss Jen?are you anchoring for today?thank you for being such a good sport...(hindi pikon:))
or will lei pinch hit for your segment?
sandeep is at work i guess...
sandeeeeeeeepppppppppp?where are you?saaaaaannnnnndeeeeeppppp?
you don't see much filipinos married to foreign women because most of us likes our own beautiful women.
neat, good cook, always fresh and sweet...what else could we ask for from a wife
Me being a filipino also wonder why some of your men go for our filipina's instead of you
bravo johnfur....
You can't teach experience...
just to add one thing, all I really wanted from foreign women is a test drive of their a ss.
oh good morning to all of u guyz out there...hmmm where is sandeep and shoeaddict?lolz i miss this two guyz messing miss jen`s thread :)lolz..c`mmon guyz wake up...
For shoe: sorry i fell asleep last night... i miss the party... lol ^_^ Im not anchoring but if you think well i guess...
For me myself and i : i am wondering why your topic is about date... sounds bitter... bet someone played you before you start...
For Lei: Thanks. ^_^
For Alexa: If u want proficient guys well visit Philippines and i show you my friends... Ei, girl try to search Richard Gutierrez and see how handsome he is... Like Hollywood star.
For sandeepkadian : why ur here... common...
For Steve: What's up.
For Gypsy: Say what you want to say then leave... no pressure... ^_^
The Most Exhausting Thing in Life is Being Insincere
Hi, Me.myself and i...
Seem like you have a problem too in Filipina... I intend to meet that Filipina girl that only saying "yes or no" hahahha maybe i can interpret her action..... English language is never been a barrier cos even my 3 yrs. old niece speak English fluently...
The Most Exhausting Thing in Life is Being Insincere
I didn't think we needed hasty generalization part 1, why the need for part 2?
hey i can't figure out why this was in Funnies section, did i just miss the funny part? anyways, Coron island is amazing, does anyone know the rates in the resorts there? im looking for a good beach to go to when i go home in 2 weeks..
i know filipinas who do not speak the language proficiently,,but use their "charm"...i think charm is an added ingredient,that sets apart those filipinas who are gramatically challenged in the english department...anyone confirm that?or i maybe wrong?
who knows maybe alexa might be one to change it all..hehehe
when i go on a date I want to be in control in the sense that anywhere the thing goes I can keep up. I dont want my date to think of me as lame. i want to have good impression. silence gets me uncomfortable and if i date a foreigner especially if its the first time, its a pressure on my part how to keep the ball rolling.. . how to keep her talking, how to make her feel good, how to be funny but not to be nerdy, how to witty but not to be showy...
Sweet Dreams lei05
Alexa. agree with your last comment...The language of love is universal.
MMAI, Your looking at it backward,your English is not poor, its your second language. not many Native English speakers even bother to learn a second language. So you have got one up on them!
but maybe those who dated the girls do see way passed the language problem...(just guessing here)..
lolzzzz...ok guyz gotta go to sleep...
Sandeep, Your right, I better delete that bit before PM and crew get up in the morning!!!!!HaHaHa
mostly yessess or no's or maybes,,,the language barrier is really there.
lei05......If you are that coy, I shall withdraw my invitation to join me!!!lol, Just looked at your profile and thought you might like to know the first thing Im going to do when I get home is jump on my old Yamaha TDM 850 and take the old girl for a loooooong ride, AH BLISS!!!
Now steve dont do tht.. dont generalise tht all western women r shallow else we will get another thread frm some pissed off western gal..
" Dont take life too seriously, you will never get out alive!!!"
i see!!!interested of what?...
but the percentage of filipino to"foreigners" are a few notches less than the filipina to foreigners. my theory is its the language barrier which makes it harder for us to step up.... in a date, a conversation should be established, and its pressure for us to keep up afraid that our reserved english ran out and we'll just end up saying yes and no.... ;)
haven thought of the wealth potential theory,,,lol
should i start a thread on that?hmmmmm
lei05...No I set off in 3 days for 3 weeks.....Interstested? bigger LOL
Alexa..Maybe It has something to do with their wealth potential.You know how shallow western women are!!
why only for 3 days?anyway hope u enjoy ur 3 days vacation,lolz :)
ego???the height?the geographical undesirability?the language barrier?lol
who got married to a Canadian,and a Latvian respectively...but uhhhh,,,sadly theyre in HKong.
as for why we dnt see filipinos married to foreign women...uhhh have no idea...
Funny tht u mention it now Alexa but never saw it, not just marriage but even going out together.. Only ever seen filipinas married 2 foreign men..
" Dont take life too seriously, you will never get out alive!!!"
MissJen,,,where are yooooouuuu?yo-hooooooo?
i heard a faint snore....ohhh wait,,,
thats my snooze button...lol
Naah I dont like tht +1 thing about Phils. so kept tht one out but mayb the public opinion will get tht in the list too.
" Dont take life too seriously, you will never get out alive!!!"
actually its 1002 things to like about Phils.the +1...uhhh well... draw yer own conclusions...
wat wud b the title of her book.. 1001 things 2 like about phils.. or 1001 things foreigners hav got wrong about phils..
" Dont take life too seriously, you will never get out alive!!!"
lei05.........Whos Joking? I'm not, But I am in a good mood coz I'm off on vacation in 3 days!! Ah the bliss...Bacon for breakfast, bars open to all at all hours,Girls in Bikinis (Even some without!!)couples kissing in public,Courteous drivers,Arabs drinking in the bars,gays openly out together,uncensored magazines,racial equality for all, and did I mention bacon for breakfast? Oh I did, sorry. Just all natural everyday living. BLISS!! But when I come back, Its Rammadan!!!!!!!!!!!
like Harry Potter or the Twilight series...im snickering in mischief.....
I m serious if her count reaches till part 5, I will start my generalization thread too appealing against all Indians being asked whether they r frm Kerala.... Its a genuine problem, atleast as genuine as the one mentioned in this post..
" Dont take life too seriously, you will never get out alive!!!"
i hope its not a prequel either...
steve steve steve...u r soooo joker..lolz..
If we keep hijacking her threads i have a feeling we will see quite a number of sequels..
" Dont take life too seriously, you will never get out alive!!!"
for jen.she recovered well.hence a part two,,,of the so called special-hasty generalisation
lei05.....I would take you there myself, only I cant wait till your 60. lol
ive been to the lepers colony at coron,,,we had a clothing drive.was 2 decades ago.i hope they are still ok there.
Naah not yet.. So u were living upto ur nick during the weekend.. I gotta go 2 work at 7 in the morning but dont feel sleepy.. too bad 4 miss jen and her thread
" Dont take life too seriously, you will never get out alive!!!"
hmmm i will try to go to palawan...
take away pizza,blogged till 5 am.have a 10 day leave...
have you met people online here atQL?
for rant,raves and "prattling" is our very own Miss Jen...
It was pretty dull actually.. Slept whole of Friday and had to work today, though its officially off so it sucked.. went to sealine on thursday night though.. how was urs..
" Dont take life too seriously, you will never get out alive!!!"
AH!! There you are. Welcome to "rant part 2"
arent we glad we are chatting at her own expense?rofl...
how was your weekend?
Dont worry shoeaddict we'll get this thread too ;-)
" Dont take life too seriously, you will never get out alive!!!"
are you anchoring for National Geographic?beautiful....
thepics...that is...