Grandparents' Answering Machine

At present we are not at home but, please Leave your message after you hear the beep.
If you are going to invite us to dinner, or, taking us to the theater start talking we are listening !!! ;))
At present we are not at home but, please Leave your message after you hear the beep.
If you are going to invite us to dinner, or, taking us to the theater start talking we are listening !!! ;))
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LoL at Segmund- Dont share your username and password in the forum, some people might hack your account and post something nasty using your account :(
If you are kind enough, please dont mind sharing with us your bank account number and CC password :P :)) LoL
Nice post ghazals :)
Hmmm.. Ya.. i miss them... now no one give me eidi now
Oh sad!
They are no more... :(
I'm dead serious man!
You're kidding ;)
Ghazal please change my photo size in the story
My account details are as follows
Username: [email protected]
Password: youmustbeimbecile
send me your password, I'll resize your picture ;D
You're so true seasons!
ingeniero, we in Najma, Souq Harraj.
I really wish people can treat their parents / grand parents right.. You never know how important they are until you loose them.
Buy a modern telephone set for your grandparents on your next visit back home and bring their old one with you :D
Nice one.. :)
Now we don't have same bazar in qatar...
but i saw here with one Qatari.. he had a big collection of all these old things in his Majlis.
My sister bought the same set from Kachra Bazar for her kids in USA :)
i miss this telephone set :(
Nice one...
Very Clever and creative Grand Parents...
Nice ...funny and touching!!!
Good one
They are cool :)
Nice one Ghazalz