The Elderly Couple

A couple, age 67, went to the doctor's office. The doctor asked, "What can
I do for you?"
The man said, "Will you watch us have sexual intercourse?"
The doctor looked puzzled, but agreed. When the couple finished, the doctor
said, "There is nothing wrong with the way you have intercourse." And he
then charged them $32.00.
This happened several weeks in a row. The couple would make an appointment,
have intercourse, pay the doctor and leave.
Finally the doctor asked, "Just what exactly are you trying to find out?"
The old man said, "We're not trying to find out anything. She is married
and we can't go to her house. I am married and we can't go to my house.
The Holiday Inn charges $60.00 and the Hilton charges $75.00. We do it here
for $32.00, and I get back $28.00 from Medicare for a visit to the doctor's
...funny thing...
...Life would become Dull if there were no such Difficulties...
No I was just needling you. Dont take it seriously.But what your experiences are it is better to be kept silent.Its fine. part of life.
Hahaha you claimed I was f**ked, what should I say, yes????
The thread is in funnies, relax.
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well curious because everyone at your age talks about conquests and maybe tell a few tall stories too. But you seem to be protesting too hard. looks like the experiences you are having are very discreet
Why so curious?
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Purity?? BS. Anyway if you are as you claim you are then how will you DO IT? or have you taken vows of chastity?
Mehnis you are just jealous of my purity :)
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Pajju is that doctor and he made MMS for that couple and pajju sending dat MMS to all QL buddy ;)
He is protesting and denying too much too often and too hard. This is a definite case of being guilty as charged
lol WK chd guy is virgin ? no never :)
No no I am virgin back and front :)
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You know he could be right that he is a virgin. One had to do IT to lose this. Maybe someone DID IT to him??
Ramada has been taken over by FU. Not likely to let you come within 5 km of the place. He is king of all what he 'surveys' there
WL??? I am whyteknight not whytelight
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Mehnis but get it from were ? nowa days ramda parking under CID :P
No no you liar. I am still a virgin. I have test certificate to prove it :)
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Ha Ha Pajju. No wrong buddy. Get it everywhere anywhere however possible. But GET it
whyteknight said edifis I am a virgin so ...
edifis I am a virgin so definitely not part of the couple ;)
u lier u fgt abt last nite ?
Mehnis wat reaction ? i did any wrong ? i just went to clinic with my gal friend :P
edifis I am a virgin so definitely not part of the couple ;)
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I saw the ''couple aged 67''
hey Pajju just to see your reaction
edifis u cannot guess ?
I didn't go to the doctor and I will not go again.
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lol nepali babu u ^%$&%$%&$&%$&$&$ :P
yea Pajju is young lil champ..friday pajju and me went city center for shopping, while i was shopping pajju was alone there and some one shout me saying who's kid is this take care of him... he's so naughty ... lol
A couple aged 67, means combined age of 67 which is 34+33. So it could be either WK or Pajju.
Now confess who was the doctor who was the husband?
Mehnis dunt be serios on funny thread :P
ok WK i will kick ue a $$ , auto will be put from here
They learnt money management very well. The smartness is defined as to get someone pay for what you want. And if they were doing a romp a every week at that age then pants off to them
How do I get out from my laptop, I am trapped inside. No option but to be here.
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u idiot .. getout from here :P
ya 67 year old young chap
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noway WK almost Qlers know that am young chap :P
No no I am a young boy :P
Maybe you are the old man :P
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nope Da is Doctor :) the older man is u :P
Pajju were you that doctor :P
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