Doha Adventures #2: Kerala Haircut Salon

I went today morning, in this lazy Friday to be greeted by the warmest receptionist ever (he turned out to be the cashier-stylist-owner-manager, filling in as needed).
The walls are covered with all kinds of product.
This isn't a place pushing one brand on you just to make a sale.
They take into consideration what you want out of your hair and recommend what would work best for that.
Now that's integrity.
I was a little nervous.
I have huge, untamed, bald hair. :P
Because I like to keep my hair bold seem to turn into a soccer moms dream.
My stylist, Chandrashekhar, was really into what I wanted.
He told me : "Chandrashekhar" means "one who holds moon in his hair knot"
One moon he got! My head! :P
He knew I need something low maintenance but that had an edgy-shinny look. :)
That is exactly what I got.
The cut was 25 QR but well worth it! (A great value for money). :P
yup ghazalz..
Cute baby...
..hmmmm :P