Do you Know the man @ highest position in the
Do you Know the man @ highest position in the world ?
October 14, 2008
Believe it or not
Do you know who is sitting in the highest position of the world?
US President ….. George Bush ……… ????
Osama Bin Laden …???
UN general secretary … ????
Pope Benedict ???
Guess …………
Don’t wonder
That is Babu from Kerala ……
The Crane Operator of the top most floor of Burj Dubai, The tallest building in the world ……….
link to see the top of Burj Dubai
lol charan
I knew he is a Mallu :)
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
yes asanas its just fun :)
No, its whoever reached the top of Mount Everest at this time. (If there is one at this point). :)
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LOL witchstix.......
This is a very racist joke and i dont appreciate how you are attacking other nationalities. IM JOKING!!!!!! LOL, everyone seems to be saying this these days and i havent had my chance... so thank you for listening!!! :) good joke btw!! heehee!!
"And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course" -Khalil Gibran
.ty andrews....
Mallrat u hav to upgrade ur GK
.Burj dubai is the tallest building in the world???????
HA HA funny