Bachelors are not allowed.............

'Sir Bachelors are not allowed' said by one of the Mall's watchman and objected me to enter inside the Mall on Friday and showed me the notice board hung at the corner mentioned 'Friday, Only entrance for Family'
I simply replied to the watchman 'I'm not a bachelor. I'm married man and have baby too'. The watchman still insisting me the same issue Bachelors are not allowed, Bachelors are not allowed & in spite of my hundreds of clarification to him, he is still saying 'Bachelors are not allowed inside mall today' ohhhhhhhoo.. then I understood, poor fellow exactly mean to say that SINGLEs are not allowed.
I exactly don't know how far these guys having their education level or they were trained from their higher level or started from higher level itself but those who have done this and doing should have sound of English if they really wanted to speak /use or else incorrect addressing / spelling / pronunciation may lead things incorrect and may damage reputation of said Mall, Organization and country as well.
Its really a shame.. the poor security is just like a toy... the mgmnt keying and he plays... thts it. If you are waiting there the 'light colour skinned' are also goin inside as single(s) & the security's mouth will remain closed in front of them..!
very good....
i would say, they should put it on the rules of their country, as well as newspapers.
Rule No. 1.
Low paid, single brown asses you have no right go to the malls on fridays even if its your only off. youre also not allowed on parks as well as the souq area.
Why don't they just change the signs to say 'Racist Day', for that is what it is.
If you are Qatari or white you can walk in no problem. Be a bit dark then not a chance.
fine this is some how good bcz as we are living in this country with diffrent nations so diffrent nations are having diffrent moods in some places it is difficult to move with families people may be in weekend mood and they might disturb you so if they are with wife or family at least people are do care of these things
As a 'white skin' who was also denied entry, I find the statements pertaining to 'brown skin' inaccurate. I was denied entry at Villagio although my wife was inside. Called her on my cell so she could come out and then we entered together.
as i have said, we are here in qatar...we cannot escape the fact that everyday we are dealing with different types of people and educational broaden your patience and understanding, even if it means speaking the language that they are using just for both of you to have an understanding...i know that you knew what they meant by saying "bachelors", so just live with it.
cheer up!
with due respect with all nationalities, religions, regions, languages I never under-estimated please go thru all above my points which is self explanatory.
This is purely discrimination, not that it stinks any less of course!
you are here in qatar, and you are dealing with different nationalities, with different jobs, different educations...and most of them dont have english as their mother language...just live with it! you are lucky to have your "education level/higher level"...some people dont have! just be happy with what you have, and dont under-estimate others for in the end we are all the same...
I don't understand why people go to the so called Malls when things are available eslewhere. After all, none of the Malls are giving anything for free. If somebody avoiding you, avoid them in return. What is the big deal?
I think its not case of being selective between Mr. White & Mr. Brown. Its more like allowing potential customers and not the low paid workers. Being a Mr. Brown myself, I've never experienced such problem at any Mall or Corniche on weekends.
Its not a case of Racism but Discrimination against the low paid workers.
Yes it's racist. I'm white and never had a problem. I see others do, however, because they're not white (and, I suppose, single). It's ridiculous.
Thanks for your comments...
I just learnt -
"bachelor" meaning "single Asian low paid worker"
Thanks for your suggestion for "Change your word dictionary while you are here".
Let me sign out from the topic..
Actually, I myself went to the mall yesterday. I am a single, unaccompanied..and just entered. I saw the board, and practically ignored it. And believe me i am new to here and am no western origin nor arab.
Abuyunus is correct indeed...RACIST is the name of the game in most MALLS around doha. Poor aseans just go to any LULU market, or in SOUQ areas.
Numerically, this topic will rank highest of all on QL or may be just next to topic related to personal stories with same undertone...:)
if its about the language/education u r complaining ..
then always carry a dictionary with u so that u can teach ppl on the go...
Milan, word bachelor that the guard is using is not his invention. The system works here with word "bachelor" meaning "single Asian low paid worker" irrespective of his marital status back home. Not only entry for malls, even accommodation is classified like that.
So don't blame the security guard for the use of word. He is just doing what he has been instructed. Change your word dictionary while you are here.
Yes that's really wrong.
...for Not-Europeans. If I go alone Friday to any mall "Good afternoon, Sir" and behind me the security explain to the Asian people "Family Day". It's not fair, it's racist.
have absolutely no problem....
haha.. LOL SwineFlu !!
All the CEO of different Multi National Company should be appointed as security with a salary package of QR. 50,000/month or more together with a Lamborghin as his transportation & flat in pearl to work in different supermarket & mall. So that owner of this topic will not face any problem.
You misunderstood.
The person who is taking care of security job of particular place is not a Qatarian and they are working abroad like most of the people are working here and of course he should have sound of educational level since he might encounter several enquiries and should be able to answer back.
Still my concern is to use correct word. People should not address visitor ‘Bachelor’ to a ‘Single Man’ without knowing.
to the owner of this topic
you must learn arabic
it is your mistake not them
You want the watchman to be a doctorate holder in his second language?
if the security knows enough english he must be QL member. It's a normal sense that he is not well educated & that's why he is in there. It's wise not to question about his education as his job position indicates his study level.
Wow. I never knew there was such a rule.
Actually i have been to Villagio a couple of times, had no difficulty, even got out for smoking several times and back in.
If they really have such a rule, it is really a big shame for Qatar.
Why might they be doing this?
Since everybody if off on friday, maybe to avoid the workers to fill the malls?
Maybe good dressing will help enter?
So i should really stay away from tanning. :))))
as of the guards at the malls are concerned, they would do exactly what they have been told by their boss....
flor, i know you are having a great time, when your wife is away... ;)
when you're brown you really don't have the privilege as the select few have. thursday night we tried to go inside one of the bars of a hotel, an Arab guy (he was alone) was able to get through, now when it was our turn we were told it was couple's night, yeah couple's night and the Arab guy in front of us was able to get in alone!
so if your ass is brown stay at home!
Oh,, I'm new to Qatar, and a Bachelor, that is really frustrating, what if your only free day is Friday? Where else to go? That's hard,,
It's really embarrassing for all bachelor around doha. Friday is one day off most of us expats, but very sad we can't go to malls without ladies or children with us. This means doha has limited malls for all.
As tinker said i have seen may other nationality...roaming around malls on Friday..but brown skins..are always into trouble..
Dear All,
It is not about the banning to enter single's inside the Mall during weekend but it is all about the correct word usage.
the word Bachelor is having different meaning....
In this case all married, let us carry marriage certificate and enter Mall. Will they allow? No. Then they should use correct word.
What do you say??
Never been stopped. If you dress smart they will never stop anyone.
just use your common sense if it is urgent. Try to chat and go with the group entering the mall and..viola ur in.
the ban itself. If it's the latter, then it was already discussed many times here. If it is the "bachelor" thing, then NO COMMENT! Lol!
It is discrimination though here in Qatar that single men or men -whose family maybe in July-August on vacation are not allowed into malls like Villagio or Citicenter or Hyatt or Landmark except Lulu . So filipinos catch some of their female frnds and enter these malls whereas indians have no choice -but to be disallowed from these malls on fridays . Even if you wish to buy something genuinely like a shoe badly , you cannot buy on a friday due to this great RULE .
The best you can do , if your alone is -Go to top of your terrace or go to Lulu , thatz it .
However white skinned people , they allow into malls , even if you are single .
I reserve the rights to above , as i have personally encountered this here .
tinker bell.... i agree with u.. thats true
Thanks every one for the opinion..
However, country should not forget that it is built of every individual’s contribution.... or else the world will rarely see Land Cruiser in this land...
Ok...Point noted down.
...then where do Bachelors go for shopping during week ends??
Bachelors are not allowed, Will they allow unmarried!!?
This stems from the fact that all men who are married back home call themselves bachelors here. They had to edit the meaning of bachelor then.