9 things you hated as a child but probably love now

1) Sleeping: This just tops the list for me. If there's one thing I regret in my life so far, it's not taking advantage of all the sleep I should've/could've gotten. Remember when nap time was a must during your pre school years? lol. Crying.
2) Healthy food: We all hated our veggies, dark chocolate, and sugar free cereal. Ever wonder why grown ups are always laughing when they're eating salad? Now I do (Just take a look at the Kardashian's)*.
3) School: When I was in high school, I couldn't wait until I graduated and went to college. When I finally got to college, I couldn't wait to graduate, have a job, and start my life in the real world. To be honest, I just want to go back to pre school and nap.
4) Being young: Remember when you were 7 and someone asked about your age and you would reply 7 years, 4 months, 32 weeks, 5 days, 8 hours, 19 minutes, and 6 seconds old. Don't deny it. I think my favorite was when I was 9 and I finally hit that 2 digit number. Now I just get excited when people ask to check my ID, so kind of you Sir.
5) Getting grounded: I wish I had someone to ground me, seriously (this still applies to some adults now. eg. single arab female). How awesome would it be to not be able to go out and actually have a legitimate excuse without people questioning you. "No, sorry I can't come with you to your second cousin's bridal shower. I'm grounded".
6) Documentaries: Love this stuff. I could literally sit for hours watching documentaries about the most random stuff ever. Once I sat through an 80 minute documentary about the font Helvetica. Movies? Ain't nobody got time for that.
7) Going out with your parents: 2 words- FREE STUFF!
8) Not driving: Driving has become the bane of my existance, especially in the Doha traffic.
9) Mornings: My favorite part of every weekend was waking up super early and watching my morning cartoons. Now, my favorite part of the weekend is sleeping in well into the afternoon.
*You may need to watch a few episodes of KUWTK to get the reference. If you don't know what KUWTK is, either you're living in a cave or it's just not your type of show.
'' .... sleeping in well into the afternoon ..... ''
I salute to the town you got your wife from .... who tolerates it ..... Thu , 21.11.2013 , 11.00 hrs
hmmmm.. Nice TFS..! :)
hmmmm.. Nice TFS..! :)