Having driving test next week

By gladiator_25 •
Hi friends, please let me know the sequence for Hazard light, gear and hanbrake after parking the car and then what is the sequence when you want to come back to the road....Please help....i have a driving test....
I just did the test recently and got the licence on the first attempt.Think of it as a straight line:1. Hazard2. Gear3. Handbrake I found this blog quite helpful that is if you have a licence from your country and are taking the automatic test. Either way there are helpful tips on the blog to help you feel less stressed.Good luck!http://dohadrivingtest.blogspot.com/
Gladiator, please check my blog here. It gives you some steps for key driving actions. It's in Indonesian but you can use Google translate to have an idea.
Dear Galdiator i got your point... the sequence is like this. If a police asks you to park the car you first need to put Right indicator and then slowly apply the break ((( Make sure your indicator is turned off automotically or else you do it manually))). And after that bring your car in neutral position and then apply handbreak. After that put Hazard and lastly dont forget say Salam Alaikum and Shukran. Good luck
What Karwa trainer taught me about 3 years back are handbrake - neutral - hazard.
Let me explain my query again...you are going on the road and policeman tell to "park" . Inthis case ofcourse you have to put a right indicator...but after stopping the car what should be the sequese for putting hazard, making the gear neutral and handbrake...hope my question is clear....then again when you take it from parking ( you are alreadyhaving seat belt) what should be the sequence of the above three again...:(
i think sequence is like this,
seat adjustment, belt , then adjust mirror of front and side ...put handbreak down and put indicator coz car will be parked ..
if maunal car then drive on first gear then change to 2nd ..dont go on 3rd , 4rth gear unless its a main road..if its streets n all stay still 2nd or max 3rd gear ..n dont over speed ..policeman will tell u to turn , right or left or go straight..