advise on Mercedes E-class
By jillsdaniel •
I am interested in buying a Mercedes E-230. I'm toying with the idea of buying a brand new one or a used car under 1-2 years old.
Can anyone advise me how good the E-Class is? what are the common problems I need to watch out for or if its a pretty stable & maintenance-free car for at least 5 yrs? I've been using Japanese cars so far and do not know of the longevity of Mercedes. will it be an expensive venture? thanks for letting me know
The only issues with E-class cars are their electronics, but Mercedes fixed these minor bugs in 2005. So, if you buy a 3-year-old model you should be can drive hundreds of thousands of kilometers with these cars, the quality is amazing!
Thanks Harri, its a good tip! so if I go for a 1-2 year old E230, I can be sure of its quality (Ofcourse, provided its properly maintained). I've bought used Chevy and Nissan brands before and they turned out to be troublesome.
Good to hear you'd a fantastic experience with Merc, but any trouble in particular I need to watch out for when going for a used model?
The all-new E-class ('W212) will arrive in late 2009/early 2010. Therefore, I would not put my money into a brand-new E-class right now - the resell value will collapse once the new model is out. Maybe a 2-3 years old model?
The quality is just excellent. My previous car was a Mercedes and it was just fantastic.