"The vehicle can be seized for one to three months, and in some cases, transferred to the public prosecution if the motorist has repeated the violations multiple times or if he has hurt or damaged public property. Erring motorists are fined around QR3,000 depending on the violations type."

Wow, this is pretty nice. Reckless driving like this in the US is a Class A misdemeanor and carries a potential sentence of up to 1 year in jail, forfeitute of your vehicle, license, and $6250 in fines. (22,812.50 QAR)

If they can prove you organised a race, of two or more vehicles. It gets a little more expensive.

Organizing a racing event is a Class C felony charge, and carries a potential of 5 years in prison along with fines reaching $125,000.

Why do you think that guy hightailed it out of Beverly Hills last year? When he got caught on video racing, and then claimed he had diplomatic immunity. They would have seized both cars immediately at least.