Stunt drivers disturb the peace of mind of residents

The cases of stunt driving and drifting see huge spike during the Holy Ramadan. These drifters and stunt drivers usually come out on roads at night between 3am and 7am, creating nuisance and noise for people in residential area, reported The Peninsula.
Many people have complained about drifting and have asked police to increase campaigns and patrols against such drivers who put lives of others at risk.
“The cases of stunt driving and drifting rise during Ramadan. We don’t have any specific campaign for such drivers but we do keep a check on them,” Major Jaber Mohamed Rashid Odaiba, Assistant Director of Media & Traffic Awareness Department, told The Peninsula.
“Such drivers can be seen in the streets between 3am before Fajr prayer till 7am. This is the time when people take rest at their homes. They should respect others and shouldn’t create problem for people who’re fasting. Everyone can see the marks of their drifting tyres in intersections and roundabout,” he added.
“The month of Ramadan is a time for calmness. People need to take rest at their homes, but these riders creating such sounds disturb our sleep at night,” said a resident in Al Wakrah. “The authorities should have a specific campaign to stop this nuisance,” he said.
Police patrols are in the street to monitor such things especially in residential areas, and anyone caught engaging in such prohibited activities will be punished.
The vehicle can be seized for one to three months, and in some cases, transferred to the public prosecution if the motorist has repeated the violations multiple times or if he has hurt or damaged public property. Erring motorists are fined around QR3,000 depending on the violations type.
“If the motorist has exposed people’s life’s to danger, his vehicle will be booked and will be transfer to public prosecution,” said Major Odaiba.
He said drifting by cars is more dangerous than drifting in bikes because of comparatively bigger size and also the noise from cars is louder than that of bikes.
The problem of dealing with such people that they move to another area, creating annoying sounds when we start a patrolling in that area.
The Ministry of Interior urged families to take care of children, who tend to play outside their home when parents are busy praying or preparing for Eid. Playing outside on the roads late at nights will expose them to traffic accidents due to harsh driving.
Courtesy: thepeninsulaqatar.com
True .. I look back at some of the stupid driving I did at that age and I despair :0(
Brit you're getting ahead of yourself lol...the supra guys are ok they generally keep it classy and on the track...the donut crowd is in the landcruisers killing their engines..and the midgets are on the bikes pulling wheelies and falling and revving on idle at the lights, thinking they look badass to the girls...the avg age of this whole demographic is 18-22 and thinking back to how I was at 18, it is hardly the age of wisdom haah...
Guess who they are..
The whole country is a joke, not only the traffic laws!
Oh for goodness sake.. I'm now picturing midgets , who can just see above the steering wheel doing donuts in their souped up Supras :O(
They're stunted drivers not stunt... And the cars are not noisier than the bikes; I hate the bikers more because they're generally younger attention seeking boys who have just discovered their private parts and they are much less aware of their actions and the repercussions.... Wish everyone a safe Ramadan, stunted drivers included...
LOL, you cant catch them..... they are long gone before you reach within 5 km of these guys... ;)
""""" Wow, this is pretty nice. Reckless driving like this in the US is a Class A misdemeanor and carries a potential sentence of up to 1 year in jail, forfeitute of your vehicle, license, and $6250 in fines. (22,812.50 QAR)"""""""""""""""
Here Reckless driving is A FASHION....A STYLE.... A WAY OF EXPRESSION.....
Even if police would caught them red handed- USUALLY they just Warn them- or take them to police station or to THEIR HOMES to warn their Family. Law for Qatari's is more soft & forgiving- and very strict and harsh to expatriates.
patrols cannot stop them...
You need Hidden CCTV cameras on there HOT SPOTS & Freeways.
Remember - they have more counter measures in order to fool the law. so extend your PLAN many steps ahead.
Brit: But then they would miss the "fun" of disturbing the peace of the neighbourhood and get themselves noticed.
They have nothing else to do.. Build them a track whre they can go and do their stunts ...
This last paragraph sums it up perfectly why this should be taken more seriously.
"The Ministry of Interior urged families to take care of "CHILDREN", who tend to play outside their home when parents are busy praying or preparing for Eid. Playing outside on the roads late at nights will expose them to traffic accidents due to harsh driving."
No one sets out to have an accident. But children outside playing, enjoying Ramadan, or the person returning home who get smashed into when the cars come drifting around the corner. They sadly are the ones who pay the price.
"The vehicle can be seized for one to three months, and in some cases, transferred to the public prosecution if the motorist has repeated the violations multiple times or if he has hurt or damaged public property. Erring motorists are fined around QR3,000 depending on the violations type."
Wow, this is pretty nice. Reckless driving like this in the US is a Class A misdemeanor and carries a potential sentence of up to 1 year in jail, forfeitute of your vehicle, license, and $6250 in fines. (22,812.50 QAR)
If they can prove you organised a race, of two or more vehicles. It gets a little more expensive.
Organizing a racing event is a Class C felony charge, and carries a potential of 5 years in prison along with fines reaching $125,000.
Why do you think that guy hightailed it out of Beverly Hills last year? When he got caught on video racing, and then claimed he had diplomatic immunity. They would have seized both cars immediately at least.