I have come across many such "pastors" over the past several years. These "holy men" or the guiders "of the flock" are now also involved in running scams over the internet trying to cheat people out of their hard-earned money. They carry the title of "Reverend" before their names. They state that they are "holy men" and cannot tell lies or cheat people. I have always asked them for their official ID cards which they have always provided me with. Some of them have also sent me their photographs while they are preaching at their church. They then ask for money to be sent to them through Western Union that would allow them to dispatch a Bank Draft drawn in my favor or an ATM card. Both the Bank Draft or the ATM card are in thousands of dollars and sometimes in millions. I "play" with these "Reverend Fathers" and ask them to send me a scanned copy of the Bank Draft or the ATM card. They readily send me one to satisfy me and make me believe that everything was "genuine!" True to their word, the Bank Drafts and the ATM cards are in my name. I have several of them in the system. ALL of them are fakes. The first scanned copy of a Bank Draft I had received was drawn on Barclays Bank, UK. It looked very much genuine to me. However, I sent it over to Barclays Bank for confirmation on its genuineness. They came back and advised me that it was a fake. They also pointed out to me the reasons why it was a fake. The game goes on almots every week. I enjoy playing around with these "holy men" and the "men of God" as they proudly call themselves!
Wild Turkey are you listening?