Edgar_Macky: I faced such a situation at the hands of supervisor who was a terrible bully and a psycho. This was at an organization managed totally by US nationals. The management was aware of this person's behaviour. While the organization assured employees that there would be no workplace harassment, nothing was ever done to put a leash on this wild animal. Those employees who did not kiss his boots eventually lost their jobs. Complaints were lodged by many to the management but to no avail. Based on my experience, I believe there is nothing much one can do about such people in an organization. The only option is to quit the job and write to the management the reason for quitting.
Edgar_Macky: I faced such a situation at the hands of supervisor who was a terrible bully and a psycho. This was at an organization managed totally by US nationals. The management was aware of this person's behaviour. While the organization assured employees that there would be no workplace harassment, nothing was ever done to put a leash on this wild animal. Those employees who did not kiss his boots eventually lost their jobs. Complaints were lodged by many to the management but to no avail. Based on my experience, I believe there is nothing much one can do about such people in an organization. The only option is to quit the job and write to the management the reason for quitting.