max11: Yes, you are absolutely right! It is indeed great news for all. It speaks very highly of the system of justice here in Qatar something many could never dream of back home. Yet, very sadly this very positive aspect of Qatar was overlooked when this one person jumped the gun and posted his comments. Just read the first comment that appeared on this subject. And he has gone on overdrive to attack Qatar, its Ministers, Arabs, and others for the past several days. He even went to the extent by crossing all rules of ethics in one of his postings stating the Qatar Foreign Minister was "lying." A person with education would never do that. No, I do not medical attention. It is the other person who does and you should have suggested this to him and not to me. If you are unaware of what he has been posting, just go through QL's first page articles over the past five days. Everything should be crystal clear to you then. If you still cannot see the reality, then you would prove yourself to be both myopic, and terribly biased. Agree QL is doing a lovely job in providing so much of useful information to everyone.