In S Arabia, rents are usually paid either on six-monthly basis or yearly basis. In Riyadh rents vary from area to area. If you choose to live in Wasim, accommodation will be cheaper compared to Hara. You may be able to find 1BHK in SR 12000 per year. The other expenses such as school would vary depending on the school you choose but they could be around what Wasim,sa has stated in his posting.
In S Arabia, rents are usually paid either on six-monthly basis or yearly basis. In Riyadh rents vary from area to area. If you choose to live in Wasim, accommodation will be cheaper compared to Hara. You may be able to find 1BHK in SR 12000 per year. The other expenses such as school would vary depending on the school you choose but they could be around what Wasim,sa has stated in his posting.