Cost of Living in Saudi Arabia with Family

By abbasbharmal •
If anydoby does know how much cost of rent for accommodation (1bhk) / utility / school fees (1 kid kg1) / other expenses monthly approximatly for small family in Riyadh SAUDI ARABIA. ? If anyone has idea about montly expenses (approximatley) please advise.
Definitely much less than Doha.
Allow for 1200 to 2000 per month for accomodation.
It all depends on where you are . Riyadh is a big city so commuting can be an issue.
I'm living in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
1. Rent is between SR1100 to 1500 per month paid as advance for 3 months or 6 months depending on the owner.
2. Expenses per day on food (veg and non veg); - SR30 to SR50
3. Cost of telephone usage for calls to India; It is SR1.35 per min for one (favorite) number. All other numbers @ SR2 per min. People normally us voip here. rate is SR 0.1 per min. I can help u on this. My email [email protected]
4. Cost of internet usage:- the charges are per month basis. SR100 for 1MB, SR200 for 5MB and SR350 for unlimited.
5.SR10000 is a gr8 salary.So All the best and see u in saudi arabia.
Thanks @ acchabaccha
In S Arabia, rents are usually paid either on six-monthly basis or yearly basis. In Riyadh rents vary from area to area. If you choose to live in Wasim, accommodation will be cheaper compared to Hara. You may be able to find 1BHK in SR 12000 per year. The other expenses such as school would vary depending on the school you choose but they could be around what Wasim,sa has stated in his posting.
Wasim & Underthehud, thanks for valuable advise....
depending upon area you can find cheap home as well and yea as wasim has mentioned above more or less everything falls in that range.
1BHK-1500SAR,Utility -150SAR,School Fees 300SAR including Transport,Other expenses 1000SAR.