mohdata, bitterness maybe, but its something is a mixed feeling of regrets,annoyance and sympathy to the situation. imagine that there is a simple solution and yet it didn't happen. Qatar is investing now million of riyals for the high tech speed cams. but for the very basic background check of the car and drivers is something taken for granted as we agreed. yes! traffic dept is only after for the amount paid by the violators. that's why this country is on this statistics, as quote: "Qatar has one of the highest rates of accidents per capita in the world."
mohdata, bitterness maybe, but its something is a mixed feeling of regrets,annoyance and sympathy to the situation. imagine that there is a simple solution and yet it didn't happen. Qatar is investing now million of riyals for the high tech speed cams. but for the very basic background check of the car and drivers is something taken for granted as we agreed. yes! traffic dept is only after for the amount paid by the violators. that's why this country is on this statistics, as quote: "Qatar has one of the highest rates of accidents per capita in the world."