Qatari driver involved in the death of filipino family had no license

Investigations into a tragic road accident in which five Filipinos died near Hamad International Airport on October 6 reveal that the Qatari who caused the mishap was driving at a high speed and he had no licence, The Peninsula reports.
Also, the insurance coverage of his vehicle had expired on August 6, 2014, two months before the accident, according to the ambassador of the Philippines to Qatar, Crescente R Relacion (pictured).
Records of the Traffic Department of the Ministry of Interior suggest that the vehicle the Qatari was driving was involved in as many as 44 traffic rule violations in 13 months, from August 22, 2013 to September 26, 2014.
Relacion told reporters yesterday that the embassy of the Philippines got the report of the accident prepared by Qatar’s Ministry of Interior on October 8, 2014 and it gave the above details.
The remains of the five Filipinos who died in the mishap have already been sent to the Philippines, said Relacion.
The bodies of Bencris Rivera (36) his wife Joycelyn Torres Rivera (38) and one year-old son Arclian Zirc Torres Rivera, and Marilou Cal (27) were sent home last Thursday while the remains of Joyce Geli (24) were sent home the next day.
The reason why the remains of Geli was sent the following day was because “there was a problem with the name of the consignee so the representative of Specialised Medical Centre in Riyadh (the employers of Geli) decided the shipment be deferred the next day so they would be certain of the person to receive the remains in the Philippines,” he said.
The accident report said: ‘Driver A (the indictee) was driving his vehicle near Hamad International Airport towards East sticking to left track of road.”
The driver “hit with front cabin of his vehicle B (where the victims were) which was on the side road thereby it led to fringing of both vehicles to a distance of 104 metres approximately continuing to left side once again hitting to curbs leading to smoldering of vehicle B with five persons inside who died on the spot and injury of the other one inside the smoldered vehicle.
The indictee driver had some injuries and was given aid by Hamad Emergency. It was found that the indictee driver had no driving licence and the accident triggered the abovementioned damages.”
A relative of Bencris from the US and two brothers of Joycelyn from the Philippines came to Doha courtesy of Louis Berger, the company where Bencris was working as an engineer. They have spoken to a lawyer on the course of action they would take.
“They want to seek justice, meaning whatever punishment the law provides for the person concerned should be meted to out to the person,” he said.
“We will monitor the progress of the case and we will hire a lawyer to really focus on the case especially the criminal aspect. The representatives of the families of the victims have spoken to a lawyer recommended by the embassy who will concentrate on the criminal aspect of the case.”
Based on the law of Qatar, the family of each of the deceased will receive QR200,000 as blood money. The family of the deceased, however, has the option to file further civil damages on top of the blood money, he explained.
He also assured the Embassy will provide assistance on the follow-up of the payment of the blood money and if the family decides to file further civil damages the Embassy can also recommend a lawyer.
“To the next of kin of the victims of the tragic accident that claimed five lives, our deepest condolences again from the Philippine Embassy, the Philippine government and the Filipino community here. We condole with you at this very difficult time.”
He urged the Filipino community in Qatar to “exercise extreme caution when we are on the road either as a driver, passenger or as a pedestrian because accidents may happen anytime.”
“I hope there would be more vigorous campaign to inculcate the culture of safety amongst the people-drivers, passengers and pedestrians. Qatar has one of the highest rates of accidents per capita in the world, so it’s sad to learn about these accidents every now and then involving not only Filipino nationals but other nationalities as well.”
@knor, thank you so much for the explanation. I remember now reading the news in QL and the picture of the burnt pathfinder, which was located on the right side of the road. So sad, even if you follow the rules, park your car in allowed places only, drive within speed limits, still still, chances that you may get killed at high. HMMMM... :-(
Sad that such events continue to happen despite the stringest of laws and rules being implemented every now and then. One such reason is that people tend to get away by paying fines otherwise they formulate techniques to overcome these obstacles.Passion and showoff runs in a young drivers blood.
Broad roads and highways also ignite the passion for fast driving.The government should become more strict and reduce the threshold of points accumulated due to traffic violations before imposing punishments like cancelling of license.
@urstrulyash, it happened at the lagoon road of HIA. according to some stories compiled, the Doha based family bring their visitors at the airport to show how good it is. They parked at the bay parking area, which located at the right side. they go out of the car to view the airport from afar, took some pictures. and as they where about to leave, the 5 victims where already inside of the car while one who survive is still about to board. Then here comes this crazy driver racing against another car, overtake at the right most-to the bay parking area and hit the pathfinder at full speed.
Imagine within a 100m stretch of a 3 lane highway you have around you drivers from more than 20 different nationalities, with different intellectual levels, temperaments & empathy - and almost all trying to outdo one another.
Switching lanes at an inch of opportunity to move ahead, with NO indication - just swerve in front of you where you have about half a second to realise their action and hit the brake.
And some who would tailgate you so close you thought you had backseat passengers! Or drive at 40km/h in the fast lane thinking that they are doing safety a favour.
Who could and how do we instill awareness in these people? Which language(s) would make them understand clearly. Safety campaign posters in Arabic & English would be met with blank stares from most of them. Either they could not understand it or they just did not care.
Oh...not to forget mobile addict drivers & speeding drivers who pause for 'selfies' everytime they pass the traffic speed cameras on the highway.
yeah, they will only knew that the driver has no license when he is involved in the accident...
As responsible road users, we all too should learn from accidents like these and take a pledge that from here on we will try to be a more responsible and safe driver on road.
Meanwhile, I do have a query. Do you guys have any idea that in this incident, on which side of the road were the victims' pathfinder parked? I could not understand it from the above report.
zafira, it is registered but it is already expired. and the evidence of 44 violations is enough already to ponder how the driver of that car is acting on the road on which the authority failed to noticed. one more simple solution to prevent unlicensed driver on the road is a check point. I hardly notice if the they are doing that. the alfazaa's randomly checking cars on the highways is only after for the workers who doesn't have QID. @ hiramabiff, scary indeed.
Hmmm.. The driver has no license, involved in 44 traffic violation. And expected to be free again on the road thru "blood money". This person should be incarcerated for the rest of his life! He does not respect traffic rules/law. Obviously a moron. Does not know how to drive. Who will be his next victim? You, me, a relative or maybe a close friend.
i read somewhere that the vehicle is not registered. no insurance. and the young 18 year old driver has no license... then it's impossible to have the vehicle check... :(
mohdata, bitterness maybe, but its something beyond....it is a mixed feeling of regrets,annoyance and sympathy to the situation. imagine that there is a simple solution and yet it didn't happen. Qatar is investing now million of riyals for the high tech speed cams. but for the very basic background check of the car and drivers is something taken for granted as we agreed. yes! traffic dept is only after for the amount paid by the violators. that's why this country is on this statistics, as quote: "Qatar has one of the highest rates of accidents per capita in the world."
knor: i understand your bitterness, but the traffic dept. will not do anything as long as the violations are paid...violations that do not accrue black points can be paid immediately and speeding is one of them. I do agree however that they should implement a 'history' system where cars with chronic violations should be monitored...and I do speed myself, but really think speeding and using the phone should both attract much higher fines and also black points. Glad the authorities have been transparent with this case.
First my deep condolences again to the families of the victims. As regards the article, I am very happy about the honesty the Qatari Authorities report about this accident. Now honest justice has to be taken....a long jail term and never ever let him drive a car!
I think Knor is right. Civil damages means car accident or hospital charges etc... the accused will be forgiven. This is just my understanding..
thanks....but I have a second thought on "civil damages" stated. does it mean that the accused can be put in jail even after paying of blood money? my muslim colleague here said that if blood money is given---the case is kalas! that Qatari is free on criminal liability.
no dear....
to quote: "Based on the law of Qatar, the family of each of the deceased will receive QR200,000 as blood money. The family of the deceased, however, has the option to file further civil damages on top of the blood money, he explained."....
@zafirah, correct me if i'm wrong. but my understanding is, once the blood money is accepted. it means that the accused is forgiven and the case is closed.
they can accept the blood money and file charges at the same time...
"44 traffic rule violations in 13 months" - And the traffic dept just glued their a$$ on their chairs doing nothing? If only they where doing their job, like they put that vehicle on the watch list. Investigate why that car has so many violations and found out that the driver have no right to drive, and then they able to put him on trial beforehand. maybe that accident never happened. (rolling eyes) yeah! I forgot! this is their country and they have money, they can do whatever they want. money will always be the solution....... Just hoping that the representative of the victims will not give up on seeking justice. I hope that he will not advice his clients just to accept the blood money.
Justice cannot be for one side alone, but must be for both. hope that justice will be serve in a proper legal manner
Hope true justice will be serve and to those driver out there who always in hurry with their huge SUV's and Pick-up Truck; please spare some respect to most road users.
yes MM... hope that justice will be served...
Oh , The tragic event of 6th Oct won't be forgotten for the long long times .................................... ............ ....... Mon , 27.10.2014, 10.16 hrs