Thank you Mowasalat. With the addition of buses, hopefully one would see some improvement in the service also. I am a regular user of the bus service and the general comments that I get to hear from the regular travelers are as follows: Bus disappears and does not arrive for hours at a stretch especially during the morning hours when people need to get to work leaving them with no other option but to hire a taxi. I have faced this problem several times myself. I am sure that Mowasalat is aware that most people who use the bus service are from that bracket of people who cannot afford a taxi. Secondly, there are several times when buses of the same route are trailing one behind the other with both buses hardly having any passengers in them. While waiting at the bus station I once noticed 3 buses of number 43 leaving the station within a span of just 10 minutes. Surely, this reflects poor planning. If proper planning was done, one of the 3 buses could have been diverted to route 41 as the bus of this route was absent for over an hour that day on which I was going to travel. Thirdly, the frequency of buses leaving the bus station on Fridays in the evening hours should be increased as this day sees a heavy rush at the bus station during this period of time. Lastly, Mowasalat, should consider the placing of shaded sitting areas where they are currently not available. One such place is on the road which has the Human Rights office where passengers usually stand under the nearby trees for shade while waiting for the bus.