I was doing some googling on Qatar Living on past rape threads and found gems like these referring to women who have been sexually assaulted "then this happened because: Major cause: First she had a bad luck, i.e. a rapist or a bad guy has been in contact with her in any way in some place or ocasion. 1st Minor cause: Second she does not respect her self and too much free laughing in an abnormal way with evey one she know and she does not know. 2nd Minor cause: Walking alone in unsafe places with disregard to what she wears."..................."Showing too much skin [ by her ] is another important hint that goes out ".............."Analyse the dress sense or skin showing habit of a rape victim in her past few weeks life to come up to the conclusion .."....................."keep it mentioning sometimes with original newpaper clippings that when authorities had warned to stay off the marked streets for a certain period of the day or night for some reason but people [ girls ] still don't bother .... what do they expect in return ?"......................."Question is .. Are our women contributing sincerely in their own safey & well being ? Does it show ?"..................."In one way this could have been prevented if the girl was not out night very late or she was accompanied by couple of her male family members or went with her family members Today the advanced life style has completed destroyed the mind of the peoples".........................."Ladies' place is at home specially at night".............................."all I stress upon is the self restraint on girls part ... Like all of us they should take into considration the environment around them ... & ask themselves what measures they have at hand in case of emergency .... I support in their { womens } just cause .... unlike those who say man & woman were equal ...."