Then you might wanna check why you of all people get see why ur rubbin off on ppl the wrong way...I work in a field FULLLLLLL of single Asian expats...every single person I work with has been known to go to the malls on family days with no issues and they r all quite fond of the national day parade in particular!!! As a matter of fact I have run into quite a number of them AT the national day parade and AT shisha places in Souq Waqif....but maybe...JUST MAYBE...they look like presentable and professional enough for those venues...I've heard of the motto "no shirt no shoes no service" and I think many ppl who get rejected, full into some similar screening, but rather than telling ppl bluntly, some places choose to mask it under "family day"
sorry for the harsh words amigo, but I can't take anyone's words over my own observation.
Then you might wanna check why you of all people get see why ur rubbin off on ppl the wrong way...I work in a field FULLLLLLL of single Asian expats...every single person I work with has been known to go to the malls on family days with no issues and they r all quite fond of the national day parade in particular!!! As a matter of fact I have run into quite a number of them AT the national day parade and AT shisha places in Souq Waqif....but maybe...JUST MAYBE...they look like presentable and professional enough for those venues...I've heard of the motto "no shirt no shoes no service" and I think many ppl who get rejected, full into some similar screening, but rather than telling ppl bluntly, some places choose to mask it under "family day"
sorry for the harsh words amigo, but I can't take anyone's words over my own observation.