brit: Button??? I sense some British patriotism leaking into your comment?..Lewis, yes, the UK can be proud of him and his natural talent which I personally rate the highest on the current grid, even if I am pro Alonso/Ferrari..but Button for me is at best competent; another Webber if you like..and hey, you can slate Pirelli but in the end they only did what they were asked to:-)
Sulie: I wish you never confessed you drive a Tiida..nothing wrong with the car..just the stereotype I have come to associate with it lol:-)
brit: Button??? I sense some British patriotism leaking into your comment?..Lewis, yes, the UK can be proud of him and his natural talent which I personally rate the highest on the current grid, even if I am pro Alonso/Ferrari..but Button for me is at best competent; another Webber if you like..and hey, you can slate Pirelli but in the end they only did what they were asked to:-)
Sulie: I wish you never confessed you drive a Tiida..nothing wrong with the car..just the stereotype I have come to associate with it lol:-)