Usually the west {America} jumps right in to help a country only after devising their own motives in the country.
Then they over exploit the country.
When they leave, they leave a trail of destruction rather than providing western help.
I'm not against the west or the western people but even though the poople of the country might have genuine motives, unfortunatly the aid that comes from the government is usually in the interest of corporate businesses and this can cause more harm than good.
Usually the west {America} jumps right in to help a country only after devising their own motives in the country.
Then they over exploit the country.
When they leave, they leave a trail of destruction rather than providing western help.
I'm not against the west or the western people but even though the poople of the country might have genuine motives, unfortunatly the aid that comes from the government is usually in the interest of corporate businesses and this can cause more harm than good.