Why should the west care?

A country asks for western help, we go and a large part of the world blames us. A country asks for help and we do nothing and a large part of the world blames us for doing nothing.
These people deserve to live a life of killing each other, poverty and desperation. Time to sort your own problems out and stop relying on others, or get your Arab brothers to help you for once.
Libyan PM Ali Zeidan calls for foreign help on militancy
Prime Minister Ali Zeidan said violent groups are smuggling weapons out of and into Libya
Ali Zeidan has called on Western powers to help stop the spread of militancy in his country.
In an interview with BBC Newsnight he said Libya was being used as a base to export weapons throughout the region.
"The movement of these weapons endangers neighbouring countries too, so there must be international co-operation to stop it," Mr Zeidan said
is not hidden anymore.
I am not talking about Racism.. My point was international AID.
Few weeks ago i was reading much about International Aid and I love their policies very much.. however international aid from US more often was just a deal.
landlover, have you ever lived in a scandinavian country?
If so, then you know about the extreme racism that can be found there.
And have you ever lived in the US ? If so, then you know that there you find more tolerance than racism.
Now don't get me wrong, I love Scandinavia dearly, I have family there and have lived there.
And the same goes for the US.
I am glad you mentioned America in brackets.. as I like the scandinavian countries very much and I deeply appreciate them for their international support..
Usually the west {America} jumps right in to help a country only after devising their own motives in the country.
Then they over exploit the country.
When they leave, they leave a trail of destruction rather than providing western help.
I'm not against the west or the western people but even though the poople of the country might have genuine motives, unfortunatly the aid that comes from the government is usually in the interest of corporate businesses and this can cause more harm than good.
They are blinded by their hatred of the west, while they eat their hamburgers, drive European cars and watch English football.
Yeah as Putin persecutes the muslims in the caucaus and as he divided Georgia by a Russian invasion. How dumb are some people.
Thank Putin for stopping another act of US aggression.War of Terror
that's what man..governments mean politicians..politicians mean deceit/games/politics..i hate politics beyond expression..so anything they say/do automatically switches on my BS detector..i'm biased against them yes, but i feel it isn't without reason..
Yes indeed, I would agree with you there. The politican saves himself first...
so one could say then that the election result was a contributing factor too; you could even say it was the deciding factor..an additional agenda..
For the UK that is not possible, if the PM had defied the will of the parliment there would be a constitutional crisis and at the next election they would lose big time
again, that's your interpretation of it..and is fair enough..but i feel if the UK govt had felt it feasible to go, it would have, regardless of what the populace thought..Syria isn't happening, for reasons far more profound than mere democracy working or not..i could say a lot about democracy too but i'll practice 'a place for everything and everything in it's place' ..and i'm not a conspiracy theorist but also don't claim knowledge/transparency of things that are by nature, opaque.
Wrong, Mohdata as we saw in America and the UK action against Syria was opposed by the majority and in the UK democracy worked as the Parliment voted down any military action against Syria.
its naive of you to say 'we' when you talk about your govt. and national affairs; like you were a part of it..we all think we are very informed and 'in the know'; but as Brit has countered your's, each point has a counterpoint and you/we as the commoner, cannot even begin to fathom the games/plots/plans that are hatched in those corridors of power that run the world..
They don't respect any international laws.. in the name of terrorism they just break all the international laws and think they are right.. anyway it is the same story all the time to get rid of their guilt.
They can enter anywhere anytime...they can kidnap anyone anytime.. they can kill anyone anytime...if innocent kids are terrorist then we all are terrorists.. such a shame on the moral grounds..
WEST want to influence and keep other countries depend on them..
WEST is now insecure and now want to dominate all countries..
Rip if Arabs dnt travel to WEST then wat about the shares and Tourism?? UK is more owned by Arabs.
West & US had to care .... because of their jobless who walk on two legs ...
As if it's in the Arabs general population's hands, so many people would help them without a moment's thought, but we can't. Most of us are helping financially. It's not like we control the military..
is Aruba considered West? Where is it?
I agree BE. No weapons sales or even through the back door via Saudi and Qatar. No loans.
Ban there leaders from travelling to the west.
Now you're talking..
Don't sell them arms. Don't give them loans with conditions. Don't let their army generals and leaders buy ranches in the West.
Leave them be to sort out their own mess and focus more on "protecting" our own borders.
We in the west will be quite happy if Libyans kill Libyans, Syrians kill Syrians or Pakistanis kill Pakistanis. Just don't come out of your borders.
Yup.. everything is threat sometimes.. even a kid playing in Yemeni street.
Yes no humanitarian aid anymore but if one of their people is a threat to us then we will take him out. Sounds fair to me.
No more waiting around for another OBL, we will take you down now.
Yes. It is always better to learn from Past but everytime morals values beats in their arses.
Libya's General National Congress, has demanded that the United States hand back the alleged al-Qaeda operative its forces seized from the capital, Tripoli, in a weekend raid. It called it a "flagrant violation of [Libya's] national sovereignty".
So.. things are not as black and white as you portray. The "west" (whatever that means) does not help out of the goodness of its heart. It does so to further its own objectives - whether it be national security or long term influence.
So, the simple answer is that the "west" should ignore such requests and let them sort out their own problems.
Ooppss , just curious to know, why did not west think like that long before?