To address the "extreme poverty" issue. Yes, there are poor in the US. There are homeless, although the majority of these are drug, alcohol and mental illness-related. But as pointed out by a Stanford professor recently - 85% and more of Americans living under the poverty level have televisions, refrigerators, air conditioners, mobile phones, automobiles, free education, health care and adequate food. In other words, most people living in the US below the poverty level have what would be considered a middle-class, comfortable life in other countries. It's relative.
To address the "extreme poverty" issue. Yes, there are poor in the US. There are homeless, although the majority of these are drug, alcohol and mental illness-related. But as pointed out by a Stanford professor recently - 85% and more of Americans living under the poverty level have televisions, refrigerators, air conditioners, mobile phones, automobiles, free education, health care and adequate food. In other words, most people living in the US below the poverty level have what would be considered a middle-class, comfortable life in other countries. It's relative.