Poverty vs Military Spendings - US

The number of US residents living in poverty edged up to 46.5 million in 2012, the latest sign that an economic recovery marked by a stock market boom has not trickled down to ordinary Americans.
Tuesday’s annual report from the Census Bureau highlighted the lingering scars from the 2007-2009 recession and added fresh fuel to debates over government austerity and widening income inequality. It could also renew calls to raise the minimum wage.
Although the number of people in poverty went up from 46.2 million in 2011, the national poverty rate was unchanged at 15 percent, the figures said. The poverty threshold in 2012 was an income of $23,492 for a family of four.
"Today's data underscore that it is time for Congress to pivot from a focus on austerity to an agenda emphasizing jobs and shared economic growth," said Neera Tanden, president of the Center for American Progress, a liberal policy group in Washington.
The recovery from the worst recession since the 1930s has been marked by a jump in stock prices to record highs, aided in part by the Federal Reserve's ultra easy monetary policy.
Read More : http://www.aljazeera.com/news/americas/2013/09/201391831528125365.html
Why namesake actions are better than real Service?
I am poor too with a car and laptop, smart phone , tablet, aircon all i can afford from my salary but I am poor here ,,,
To address the "extreme poverty" issue. Yes, there are poor in the US. There are homeless, although the majority of these are drug, alcohol and mental illness-related. But as pointed out by a Stanford professor recently - 85% and more of Americans living under the poverty level have televisions, refrigerators, air conditioners, mobile phones, automobiles, free education, health care and adequate food. In other words, most people living in the US below the poverty level have what would be considered a middle-class, comfortable life in other countries. It's relative.
Here is a documentary I saw some time ago and it made me cry.
There is just so much to say but one main point is clear to everybody in america and outside of american empire and that is "99% are being exploited by 1% for their own greed and lust for power". When you have so many billionaires at one end then no wonder you got extremely poor at the other. Money just doesn't exist without certain distribution logic so when it accumulates at one place it is surely coming from "lot of other pockets"......Americans need to stand up for their rights of true freedom and true democracy. Their "military industrial complex" is root of all problems.
More often people who ask are supported by them before they intend to ask.
They spend much of it in military, in making advanced weapons & then they sell it.. You call it as legal business or what but for so many it is just called as "Resourcing the violence". If you & few others dont make weapons world crime will touch the X- axis.
They do, unfortunately...and when they don't...they are asked to do...hmmm.
You're right on this LLR
global morality institute
No country or organisation, whether governmental or religious should pretend it is the absolute athuority on morality or try to impose its morality on everyone else.
Sadly, some have got permanent jobs in places miles away from their homeland from decades.
Yes. Its good if we all take care of our own places.
Take care of your own place, don't worry about others...the more you worry, the more you rant and rave, the more energy you put into it, the worse it gets.
Yes. We are afraid of their Foreign Policies & global morality institute. It is not about a country. It is about international sanctions. It is about suppression of other countries. It is about using the term "international community" more often in their talks. Its about "if we have something , its good & its moral", if someone else has the same thing, it is a world threat.
I am sure America is happy that all of you are so concerned about their welfare ! :)
I wonder, would you all be happy if Americans were to make comments like this about your country?
Oh wait...if and when that happens on QL the forum usually gets deleted...because you all rant and rave...lol!
The expenditure is to ensure that friends protect them when the need arises..
However, Libya, Iraq and Egypt has shown that this strategy does
not always work..
We don't forget it Brit, we see it as a threat to the whole world, UN should take some measures to stop these spendings.
What people forget is that the USA is the largest manufacturer and supplier of weapons in the World. The "defence" industry and its affiliates creates millions of jobs and aids the economy.
There goes Rip Cord once again talking about "Islamic" terrorists. Possibly he forgot couple of days back a shooting took place inside the Naval Yard in the US causing deaths of several innocent people. Were the killers "Islamic terrorists?"
The tactics used by terrorists are totally different from that of a fully trained army. The objectives of both different. As such the costs are different.
His comment on Islamic terrorists had no connection whatsoever with the subject, but then Rip Cord loves to defame Islam at every opportunity he gets.
Now, they are happy even with USD 1000 a month.
Part of that spending goes to those Islamic Terrorist, first they train them and then after few years kill them
True fact LLR
but sad.
It is high time America is to wake up and realize that time to Reap what they sowed (misfortune for others).
Also read Americans migrating to China for better jobs.
RIP Part of that spending goes to those Islamic Terrorist, first they train them and then after few years kill them.
The much talked about military strike against Syria has already made US tax payers worried all the more.
Sad and very true. They have no need for such huge military spending. If they want to get their deficit down they could slash military spending by 20% and that would do the trick.
Islamic terrorists manage to murder people on a tiny budget I am sure the US could do the same!